Mingyan's Mommy is the Strongest

"…He…! Qin He…!"

Qin He felt like a very familiar voice was calling out to him. His eyes fluttered to an open before he realized that his arms were tied behind him. He was held down to sit on the floor while facing what seemed to be the head of the syndicate. Rows and rows of creepy-looking men stood around in lines while a man was seated on the gallant throne. It didn't fit the syndicate theme, but Qin He didn't think he was looking at royalty.

"Qin He..."

The newly-awakened man then recognized the voice calling out to him. He turned to his side and saw someone who had been missing in their eyes for a long time. "Uncle Tong? Uncle Tong, what happened to you?" He realized that Wen Tongtong had blood blotting his abdomen as if he was roughly patched up after getting stabbed. Since Wen Tongtong was also held down, he turned to his side and saw Shui Huangwa on his other side.