Ruling Heaven

That was the second time. Lai Mingjie turned to Zhang Ling with a twitching smile. "Oi, I already returned your husband to you. Why do you have to keep on calling me ugly? This is my more original look, okay?"

"...Emodao, they're humans. They've always had a long-standing prejudice against more demon-looking creatures." Qianzhi waved her hand like trying to appease the boss whenever she could. Blue Shell City lost their emperor to this impossible king, and by the laws of the city, he was the new ruler. Since she knew him from their glory days, it should be easy to actually be in his favor.

"Still. I never received this kind of blatant insults when I was in Red Lotus Garden." Lai Mingjie hummed before sliding his eyes on Xu Rouguang who was looking at the three women. The demon god didn't push for his complaints anymore when he joined Xu Rouguang in watching how Shui Huangwa acted so natural towards Zhang Ling as if she couldn't see the strange look coming from Ye Jiajia's eyes.