
The dead gods felt a chill in their bones. They didn't know who had arrived, but the warnings in the depths of their souls rang out so fiercely as if they were facing something that could actually kill them. The subordinates then glanced at Tiangao who seemed to be unaffected.

At most, this figure should be… just a bit more powerful than them. With a dozen of them, there should be no problem; there was only one of him after all.

However, Tiangao didn't share that perspective. He thoroughly examined this… dragon-looking creature that had arrived. Due to his blue swirling horn and sparkling beautiful visage, along with that power to command the winds of nature and that savage claws of a serpent on his hands… this person didn't seem to be a dragon at all. He was… however, teeming with Sovereign essence as well as heavily dense heaven and earth energy.