Release the Demon Gods into Heaven

Since Cherry Wen said so earlier, Wen Tongtong secretly dialed for Xu Rouguang instead. He didn't know if the chairman picked up, but his attention was piqued by the words coming out of Ruan's mouth. He called Zhang Ling with a name, and as someone who had been researching and almost living the old world before, there was no way he had not heard of that name before. Actually, the reason why he got in trouble was that they had gone too deep.

Ruoxi of the Zhuque Clan… one of the most powerful gods that graced Heaven. She was one of the few gods that shared her blood with the maidens of a monastery, granting them the power to protect themselves. One of the most notable warriors of this monastery—who later turned into the special Imperial Ying—was Ying Chunhua, the Empress of Heaven who gave birth to more notable princesses of the old world.