
Volume Two | Chapter - Sun, Sex and...Bootcamp?! Part Two

The eldest sister of Sachika continued to stand there before the young girls completely oblivious to the fact that she was naked. The hot aurora that surrounded them created an atmosphere of humidity this, in turn, started to create sweat on her sisters' body along with the hot water that once covered her just moments ago.

It didn't help with the added beautifully warm summer weather that Okinawa was experiencing this year. The clear blue sky allowed the scorching sun to shine down upon the group of girls.

Sachika, Aiko and the others continued to look on in somewhat uncomfortable expressions especially Sachika as she felt jealous of the fact that her elder sister sported a bigger rack than herself.

The girl behind Sachika's sister continued to smile joyfully as she peered around her partner looking at the young girls to which they presumed was unbridled interest.

"It's been a long time Sachika" the elder sister spoke up, she continued to stand there as drops of sweat and hot water dripped down her curved muscular body.

"Onee-Chan" Sachika replied to what seemed to be a hint of resentment in her tone of voice.

Her sister sniggered, "No way to treat your dear sister" she waved her hand unconsciously.

Sachika grunted, "What are you doing here, Kaname?" it was clear to the other girls surrounding her that Sachika and her sister, Kaname were never on good terms. It also made them wonder how this particular moment would pan in the next thirty seconds for all of them.

Kaname seemed genuinely shocked, "Didn't...Mistress Daiki tell you before leaving?"

"Tell us what exactly?" Hibiki responded as she rubbed the back of her head with her left hand as she thought hard on the last conversation she had with Mistress Daiki before leaving for Okinawa.

Suddenly Kaname started to laugh hysterically as she hunched forward ever so slightly as she wrapped her muscular arms around her slender curved torso. Her breasts jiggled as she laughed allowing a dozen droplets of sweat and water dripped off the ends of her breasts.

Hibiki and Sachika looked to one another perplexed for a moment as did the others wondering what could be so funny to Kaname about this whole ordeal. It wasn't long before Kaname started to control her laughing fit and composed herself looking back at the young girls.

"Well Mistress Daiki asked me and my partner to come down to put all through some training I suppose we could say" Kaname had a smirk on herself upon saying her statement.

The mention of the word training suddenly turned the once joyful and energetic mood of the young girls into that of dread and worry. You couldn't blame them as they all thought they were visiting Sachika's Okinawa beach house for some well deserved R&R only to have their hopes stripped away at the last second.

Hibiki pulled out the cell phone from her pocket that was issued to all students of Essentia Academies around the world to find a notification of a message being sent to her. The others too pulled out their cellphones to also find a message had been sent to them. Without thinking Hibiki immediately pressed the confirm button opening up a voice message.

"Hello, girls..." the group of girls recognised the voice to be Mistress Daiki without a doubt "...I forgot to mention before you all departed that Familiar Kaname Eto and Coordinator Ashlee Brenning will be putting you through some boot camp I've organized for you all"

The look of disappointment upon Sachika, Hibiki and Uli's face showed how frustrated the trio clearly was. Even though Sachika didn't openly show it she too was excited for their summer break only to have Mistress Daiki drop a bombshell on top of them.

Mistress Daiki continued speaking in her voice message, "After reading all the student action reports after the Third Nebula Invasion incident I believe you're all in need of a bit vigorous training, anyway enjoy your summer break"

Upon hearing the last few words of that voice message it was all too obvious that Mistress Daiki was enjoying this ordeal being able to torture her students whilst relaxing god knows where. The group of girls have huddled together with their backs to Kaname and Ashlee, a droning sigh could be heard in unison amongst the group after listening to the voice message.

"Well...so much for summer break huh?" Hibiki laughed awkwardly.

"That's too bad" Aiko chimed in, Noel nodding her head in approvement of Aiko's statement.

As soon as the girls turned around they all looked away trying to avoid eye contact with a bare naked Kaname and an Ashlee half submerged into hot water. The latter looked at the girls confused by their sudden reaction as Ashlee stood up revealing her less muscular body. Her breasts were smaller than Kaname's but bigger than Sachika's, she too had a mixture of hot water and sweat trickling down her body.

Moving towards the edge of the pool she leant over slightly her breasts shook slightly sprinkling water upon the tiled floor surrounding the hot spring. Ashlee directed her attention up towards Aiko who was clearly blushing at the sight of seeing Ashlee's assets.

Ashlee produced an innocent smile then without warning she grabbed Aiko by wrist wrenching her into the hot spring. Aiko whelped out in shock not having any idea what was about to happen the others looked on in equal expression as a splash of hot water went up into the air.

A few seconds went by before the sound of Aiko bursting through the water gasping for air could be heard. Breathing heavily Aiko slowly opened her eyes only to sigh in annoyance her summer dress had completely soaked through she did the only thing she could think of and that was to take it off and throw it to the side of the hot spring.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard Hibiki speaking.

"Some fine underwear you're sporting there Aiko!" Hibiki called out with a smile on her face.

Aiko looked to the edge of the hot spring to only find her friends staring a mixture of embarrassment and giggles could be heard amongst them. Aiko looked down forgetting she was wearing her set of fancy lingerie garments they were a glossy red with black laced patterns skirting the edges around the cups and to make it worse they were completely soaked through.

All Aiko could do was stand there frozen with embarrassment as her cheeks started to turn red like tomatoes. Suddenly Ashlee appeared behind her out of the hot water.

"I think we can get rid of these" a smirk appeared on her face as she undid the pin to Aiko's bra which fell off effortlessly. Before the latter could even respond Ashlee gracefully handled Aiko's breasts as if they were sacred treasures. Ashlee fondled Aiko's B cup breasts looking rather surprised.

"Woah if I hadn't known better I wouldn't have thought that your breasts were small" Ashlee continued to fondle Aiko's breasts the latter letting out a cute orgasmic whelp in response. Aiko's size was one of the bigger B cups compared to the average girl.

The other girls didn't know how to respond some of them looked away albeit Sachika being one of them and some couldn't help but look. Sachika suddenly felt a tug on her wrist as she was pulled backwards feeling the hot water splash over her body sending a pleasurable shiver up her spine. She looked to her right to see Yuki in a heap amongst the hot water.

The two of them made eye contact and immediately looked away from one another with flustered cheeks. They were interrupted when Kaname started speaking to the two of them. They both turned around to look up at Kaname whilst attempting to avoid looking at her crown jewels.

"Well, it wouldn't be right if you didn't at least have one day of relaxation before boot camp!" Kaname exclaimed excitedly getting herself and the others in the mood for a day of downtime before their big summer boot camp. Both Sachika and Yuki couldn't help but laugh at the situation they were currently in.

Looking in front of them Bethany, Hibiki, Noel, Uli and Roselle were still standing outside of the hot spring unsure of what to do.

Sachika jumped up grabbing Hibiki's wrist, "What are you girls waiting for? Get in!" she shouted as she pulled Hibiki into the hot spring. She along with Yuki and Kaname pulled the other girls in at first the hot spring was filled with the sound high pitched screams and whelps but, it wasn't long before it started turning into cheers and laughter as Mrs Eto stood outside smiling in relief.


"Send back up!" a man clad in black spec ops gear shouted into his headset. The sounds of screams could be heard around him. As gunfire lit up the dimmed lighted corridor in the underground facility.

"It's coming!" another shouted as his unloaded his clip into the distance before him.

"Respond as planned to threat until further notice" was the response that came through from the headset.

"I keep getting the same thing!" the man on the comms headset shouted out to the rest of his squad. Suddenly one of their squad mates screamed out as a crystalline-like hand grab his ankle wrenching him into the darkness only to hear a blood-curdling whelp and their final last breath at the mercy of unknown assailant.

Another squad mate was pounced at by the mysterious assailant it had the figure of a girl, however, her body resembled that of Nebula with it's crystalline and energy design. The girls' arms had blades protruding from them which she had impaled into her targets chest cavity as blood spurted out over her. The man on the comms headset realised who the girl was the test subject that Professor Oshiro conducted his experiments on.

Before he could react the girl turned to him, her body twitched and snap ever so slightly as if she was possessed by some unknown dark force blood covered her naked crystalline textured body. Without warning, she pounced at him all you could hear was a blood-curdling scream.


In a pitch black room with its only source of lighting coming from that of monitor screens, Professor Oshiro sat at the desk looking at the screens before him in earnest as he watched his prized test subject slaughter endless waves of mercenaries that they had hired to guard the facility.

A devilish smirk soon appeared on his face as he continued to watch keen interest.

Another scientist appeared from the darkness with a tablet in hand scrolling through multiples piles of data.

"The first stage of the test has gone according to plan" the scientist announced.

A moment of silence befell them before Professor Oshiro spoke up, "Good now move on to stage two". His colleague was bewildered at the suggestion.

"But...Professor Oshiro, it's so early in the trial stages..." he was immediately cut off.

Professor Oshiro turned his head enough so that his colleague could see it, his expression was sour showing no empathy whatsoever, "I believe the evidence we have before us shows just how successful stage one has turned out to be...so successful that I suggest we move onto stage two of the testing phase" his voice was stern and tough.

The scientist bowed slightly, "Of course Professor Oshiro we'll start stage two of the testing phase immediately" he backed away into the darkness leaving Professor Oshiro all to his lonesome.

Professor Oshiro turned his head back to look at the monitors seeing the girl once again butcher her way through countless mercenaries, "It's time to see how efficient these so-called Familiars and Coordinaters are up against my new creation"