A fairy in the snow

She freezes when I said that I accepted her condition, I know that she didn't expect me to accept this, I felt it, her whole body got rapidly hot, she raised her head to stare into my eyes which already regained its calm countenance.

I was surprised, this is the first time I have ever seen having such shocking reaction from this woman, even though I have known her for 5 years.

I don't know how to express my love, I want this woman beside for the rest of my life! And since I already promised her. I will make her mine. I am confident I can do this.

I don't know why but since the moment I said the words 'Marry Me', I have a weird feeling, my whole become hot, I want to keep her inside my arms, I want don't want to leave her. Strange thought since I never had this type of feelings.

She was staring, she didn't stop staring it was as if she was searching for something on my face. Even though I want her to remain in my arms eternally, I won't let my feelings affect my thoughts, I never let my feelings took control of me so I released her slowly.

Still, I intentionally slowed down my release of her, my finger tracing my path. Every inch of her body is soft, God I am gonna sin help. I didn't know when it started but both of us were breathing hard against each other, our breaths were fiery hot. The tip of her ear was so red, I wanted to bite it and her neck. Dear God. I stopped myself, I want to kidnap her to my bed so bad.

But I don't want to be hasty, I still remember the few lessons my father taught me, he always told me that if I loved someone I shouldn't be hasty. I don't know much about love personally but I at least know the few lessons my father taught about love.

I always remember how my father loved my mother, after all, he took a bullet for my mother and how my mother took a bullet for my father, well, unfortunately, the bullet aimed at my father got taken by mother, and the bullet aimed at my mother got taken by my father. My father and mother were truly in love and in a deep love. But well their deaths were pretty useless. But still, if I can have a love like his, I would be happy. I don't know but I feel that it's pretty good to have someone whom you can face death with.

She took a step back from me, and she left my embrace then left the room at turtle pace, her movements were stiff, she was walking like some kind of newly developed robot. She didn't look back one time, her face was red, and I could see a layer of sweat on her forehead. Damn, she is glowing even more with that layer of sweat. Calm down Jack calm down.

And I was left in my office staring at the door that she closed. My gaze darkened as imaginary dark cloud appeared above me, she didn't accept.

Well, she didn't reject me either so, that's already pretty good since it means that I have a chance to be with her. And her reaction is pretty positive? I think? While I was mentally convincing myself. Other thoughts swirled in my head.

I remember earlier when my grandfather said to me that I have to have an heir, the first person that appeared in my mind was her, I always felt more biased toward her but I didn't think even one second that I wanted to have a child with her but since she was the first person to appear in my mind when my grandfather told me to have an heir. I wanted to go with my feelings so.

I reviewed her immediately and I didn't know why but I strongly felt that she was more suitable to be with me. Maybe it's because I threw out every other woman I knew in the back of my mind? I don't care much about anything in my life but only two people can be said to have a small piece of my heart.

Only these two people can make me review my decision, only these two can plant a seed a doubt in my mind, only these two can me hesitate about the choice I made and that's my grandfather and my head secretary.

And I know that the condition of my grandfather's body is worsening, and I already knew that my grandfather had at most 3 years left to live, because of an old injury when he was young, my grandfather's body got tired more quickly than average.

That injuries finally took a toll on his lifespan, even with the best doctors, medicine, diet of this world we could at most extend his lifespan to 3 years.

So, I wanted his last wish to come true but having an heir, it's difficult.

After almost half an hour, I finally moved my gaze away from the door. And I slowly made my way to the desk. I looked at the snow outside my windows, that beautiful white snow, I don't know why but Mei Ling in a snow-white dress seemed to dance in the snow, she was beautiful, the wind accompanied her in her dance, her face was beautiful to look at, her eyes were mesmerizing, her lips were so red it was as if they were inviting me. Every sway of her hips made the snow swirl, every turn made her even more appealing, she was so cute, so beautiful, so alluring, so gorgeous I can't find more word to describe this dream-like fairy. The snow surrounded her, they were worshipping her, and slowly she turned around and winked at me.

My eyes were wide open, and my face was comical to look at. I was dumbfounded, What the f*ck