It should be forbidden

Morning, 8 am.

Mei Ling was getting ready, her luggage was already arranged she just had to put it in her car and she can go to the airport, but she just got a bit uneasy, the confident and successful Mei Ling was gone, it was as if she was just replaced by a teenager experiencing her first love.

She didn't know how to react, should she just act as if the proposal never happened? Or should she outright refuse him or even acc-accept him?

"Little Mei, it's late already, shouldn't you go?" Mama Mei's voice was loud as always.

"Yes, yes" Mei Ling left her room, and quickly got outside, wore her shoes with her baggage and opened the trunk of her newly bought sports car.

She bought it after she saved up money for nearly 2 years, it made her proud, she always felt that this car was the most comfortable, she dreamed of having this car since she was 5, it was the car that her father once drove.

"Bye Ma" with those words Mei Ling drove off to the airport, but she still felt a bit nervous about what she will have to do when she will be in front of her boss.


Jack was also a bit nervous, His plan should be a success, after all, it was based on the advice his father gave Jack. He first prepared a 'romantic lunch', then after the business deal, he prepared a tiny vacation with Mei Ling, it should be 'romantic'.

He didn't forget that he must drop hint to make her interested so especially for the occasion he prepared few books, those books are all romantic books with title like 'How to love for beginner', 'How to seduce for beginner'.

He didn't know if he should ask for advice online, he never asked for advice for anything, he was the kind of person who will never turn to someone for help, well except his grandfather. He was the kind of person who will search for an answer in books so he bought books.

"Richard, Eric is everything ready?" Jack with his icy cold indifferent voice asked his Pilot and attendant.

"Yes, Sir Everything is ready, we prepared the Jet" Richard answered Jack.

"The romantic things are ready?" Still with the same indifferent voice.

"Yes, Sir" Richard face twitched a bit while thinking of the order the boss has sent him, this morning at 2 am.

"Bring me a coffee"

"Yes, Sir" Both Richard and Eric left the room.

Eric was younger than Richard, he was hired as an attendant, he got blonde hair with a stylish hairstyle, he had blue eyes. And he was strikingly attractive. Richard was older his face was bit stern, but same as Eric he got blonde hair with blue eyes, he served as a pilot for the father of Jack Adler originally, but after John Adler's death he took an important decision, he didn't want to choose a new client so he selected the son of his old client as his new client so he was chosen to be the private Pilot of Jack Adler.

His bet wasn't in vain since the young Jack Adler successfully inherited Adler Corps.

Eric whispered to Richard while they were making the coffee for their boss: "Oy, Old Rich, the Boss does he have a mistress?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and go prepare the cockpit we must take-off at 9:15 am" Richard was saying as if the reproach the young man for gossiping.

"But, the Boss never had a mistress, aren't you curious Old Rich" Eric whined at Richard he had an expression which wrote 'You really know no fun'.

"Stop being gossipy, Miss Mei will soon come, as soon as she is on board we must take-off" Richard wasn't even looking at Eric doing his tantrum.

At the moment Eric was looking at Richard as if Richard was an idiot.

"Old Rich, there will be only 4 people on this flight, and the only woman being the Head secretary, who do you think this romantic atmosphere is for?"

Richard started a coughing fit when he heard what Eric as said then he turned his head and saw the obvious look of Eric.

"It can't be right?"

"Who else?"

At that moment the sound of engine outside could be heard as a car made its way beside the Jet.

"Go prepare" Richard stared at Eric as he ran to the cockpit.

Mei Ling with her huge baggage appeared at the door of the Jet.

"Ahh Chilly, Eric get me hot chocolate milk thank you" Mei Ling dropped her baggage in the cabin and took out a stack of paper from a baggage.

"Sir, I have prepared the contract for the Kazoku Corp" Mei Ling tried her best to remain professional but once again she nearly lost herself when she looked at the seductive eyes her boss made.

She was then dumbstruck because it was the exact same eyes, he didn't do anything he just stared at her and she just lost herself in those two deep black pools.

Jack saw Mei Ling enter the room with a stack of paper and talking but not one words entered his ears, only one thought was present inside his head 'Beautiful' and he just stared at her face. Then he saw her face turn red, she blushed until the tip of ears turned red, oh damn, is she seducing me? She is, right? It should be forbidden to look this cute.

Mei Ling felt extremely awkward as her boss just stared at her without responding to her. She knew that he was a man of few words but right now she couldn't help but stare back into his eyes and just slowly lose herself, she felt her face turn hot under his stare. Ahhh she wanted to run away and hide.

Why? He always stares at me like this, since when did his stare do me this?! It should be forbidden to have eyes like this!

"Sir, Miss, Coffee and hot chocolate for you" just when she was about to escape, Eric's voice brought her back from fantasy land, she sighed a sigh of relief and made mental note to thank Eric later.