The Proposal


Mei Ling's POV

I quickly dressed myself up and rushed to the dining hall, I took a pen with a camera and a ring with a microphone, it was the only things that could go unnoticed.

I quickly got myself in the right mindset, I have to have an omniscient point of view, the boss wouldn't have invited me to this place without reason so I prepared myself thoroughly, before leaving the room which was assigned to me, I have activated the computer and put the device that I got especially for spying on work.

As I saw the light romantic music sounding out in the hall I slowed down my steps, I slowly made my way inside the hall, I saw the boss waiting for me on the doorstep.

The inside was filled with high-class people, everyone ate in a dignified manner. Boss took my hand and lead through the hall, we made our way to the only empty table in the whole hall.

I was doing my best to gather a maximum amount of information, it is an instinct I developed, I must always be able to gather information no matter the situation because, in these high-class gathering place, business information's are everywhere it's one of the best ways to find good contractor.

Once again, I felt it, through this whole day I sensed it, there is a weird atmosphere in the crowd surrounding us. This morning in the restaurant, the theater, every single place we went there was this weird feeling, no wrong there wasn't this feeling at the Japanese restaurant we had lunch in.

Yes, through this whole day the only place where there wasn't this atmosphere was where we had lunch, except this place all other place was filled with this weird atmosphere, this weird unnatural feeling, the feelings of being watched as if everything was artificial.

A high-class gathering place like this, but not one person in this whole room is talking about business deals, everything seems normal, everything seems a bit too perfect. The people in this room are only doing idle-talk, yes but they aren't touching any sensitive subject, each and every word is measured.

The Kazoku Corps? Maybe the Kazoku Corps put a crowd surrounding so that we would be fooled? Yes, that would be a logical explanation, from the beginning we are monitored, watched. The Kazoku Corps maybe they are using this technique to prevent us from spying on them?

I felt a slight chill, this much power the Kazoku Corps? No, wrong the Kazoku don't have this much power in Japan. But how? Why? I was repeatedly contemplating on those thoughts.

The Boss motioned me to sit, If the Kazoku Corps possess this much power, this could get dangerous, my body lightly tensed up at those thoughts, no the Kazoku won't dare even if they possess this much power they won't dare to harm Jack Adler.

I lightly tapped on the back of my ring, analyze, analyze Mei, Who would dare to do this? Who? Why? There is no reason, even though Boss has a lot of enemies not one of them possess enough power to surround him like this, this is not possible, something about this is wrong.

My brow lightly furrowed for less than second before my expression returned to the smiling expression that I should maintain. The waiter and waitress around brought the food slowly.

The time quickly passed as we ate, and I contemplated the situation. I felt that I missed a piece of the picture. I kept my perfect smiling expression, but as I ate the last piece of the dish that was in front of me, I felt that the atmosphere of the room was even weirder than in the beginning.

My eyes flashed briefly, I felt it, I felt someone stare at me by the corner of their eyes, I slowly turned my head to stare at the snow, I saw by the glass reflection, it was a child, I felt that the face of this child was familiar in the beginning but right now when he briefly glanced at me, I knew.

My mother has the habit of watching some low-class drama from all-around the world, and this child, I saw his face on one of those shows, he made a brief apparition in one. But what is even more frightening is that he is registered in an entertainment company who is an ally of Adler Corps.

I slowly watched the snow accumulating itself on the mountain, the view was beautiful but my heart was cold, and even my hands were a bit cold, this place and every place from the beginning were filled with actors, they were watching us.

Is that why the Boss wanted a boyfriend-girlfriend play? To make us more familiar with each other? Even though I refused? That entertainment company CEO is a puppet, the strength of Jack Adler it's not the ten billion that he possesses on the surface it's the hundred billion he possesses on the dark side of the world.

And one of those possessions is the Esteva Entertainment company, a company that appeared eight years ago but only in eight years it became one of the top powerhouses of the entertainment world, why did it climb so quickly? Because it was backed by Jack Adler who himself created a lot of puppets to help them become strong...

As I was watching the snow fall, I felt him, Jack Adler, he rose up from his seat, he approached me and bent his knee, he took out a tiny little red box from his breast pocket, he opened it and showed it, a ordinary looking ring, the ring that is passed down in the Adler family from generation to generation, an ordinary looking ring but each and every millimeter of the rings was filled with intricate designs.

I heard his voice, even though my brain was on the verge of exploding I heard it:

"Mei Ling, je t'aime de tout mon coeur, veux tu m'épouser?"

"Mei Ling, I love you with my all my heart, will you marry me?"

Yes, yes, who possesses enough power to surround Jack Adler? Who else besides Jack Adler himself. Every single of action that he made since that proposal at the office slowly resurfaced in my brain, and slowly everything he said and made linked themselves up in her brain.