Something's Different

"Next issue." Lucius found this method to motion for the next case was actually quite convenient.

Murmurs increased in volume, again, and soon a new voice sounded out from the House of Unlife. This voice sounded quite like a whisper but was still clearly heard.

"General Kevin, representing War Marshal Ken, requesting permission to speak..."


"War Marshal Ken's last report this month asks to be returned from the Southeast Border. The Great tomb of Neolith has been very quiet, as of recent, and show signs of demilitarization. He believes that some restructuring of their Government is in place. He requests to come back to the Capital for rest."

Everyone knew "rest" was actually him wanting to come back to court War Marshal Verruca. While the request wasn't actually uncalled for, the most unnerving thing about this report is the way The Great Tomb of Neolith was acting. Neolith had always been very aggressive, and warlike. They and Jakahn had been at war for ages and only put their differences aside once... The time they tried to sneak attack the kingdom, but now they are being quite... Strange.

"Request denied." After a few seconds of thought, responded flatly.

The Officials had become numb at this point. This would have been something normally shocking to them, as The Holy Witch King hadn't denied a request for holiday to date. He had shown that he trusted the decisions of his War Marshals, and if a War Marshal believed everything was peaceful, then it was.

"Let War Marshal Ken know that The Great Tomb of Neolith is up to something. If it is what I'm thinking, they will soon send an ambassador. When the ambassador approaches him, he is to escort their assembly to the capital under military orders, ensuring their safety within Our kingdom... He may take his leave when he returns at the time." Jack let out some thoughts about Neolith. These words lingered in the minds of the Officials. In the minds of the Officials, they praised the far-farsightedness The Holy Witch King had shown.

[I've seen this situation in an anime, once. The enemy nation had a Coup d'état, restructured, and wanted to ally with its former enemy because they were weakened from the coup. I remember they sent over a princess to tie the countries together in marriage... I hope that isn't the case this time... I just took Leslie as my consort, today...] Jack's far sight was based on a cartoon he had once seen, while the Officials didn't know what was a cartoon, they did know what was a show or a play, and if the Officials knew this, they would have died a true death on the spot from sheer anger!


"Any remaining issues? Concerns? Requests?" Lucius asked the court.

Leslie had finally realized that she was propped up on the Throne, next to her love. She froze up and didn't dare to move. She knew that it was her love that placed her there, but this was somewhat improper. What would the Officials of the kingdom think? Leslie looked back over to Verruca, who was talking to one of the other War Marshals still stationed in the Capital. Honed from years of military service, Verruca felt a gaze, other than The Holy Witch King. She looked up to where the gaze came from and seen Leslie staring at her. Verruca knew why, and simply and sweetly smiled to Leslie.

Warnings were sounding off in Leslie's mind. [Why hadn't Verruca ever shown interest in my Grace before?] She knew that Verruca had been single for her entire unlife, and was known as the number one bachelorette in the kingdom. The only reason why Leslie didn't have this title was because of her interest in The Holy Witch King.

[Is it because my Grace has made me his Consort?] Leslie just stumbled onto the reason for Verruca's intentions.

As the murmurs continued, Jack became impatience. He had a lot of things to do, and a lot of information to go over.


Grand Minister Lucius looked to his Grace, and Jack looked down, "Have the court adjourned for..." Jack was going to say tomorrow, but remembered how long it took him to absorb his last Holy tome. "a month."

A month?! Lucius was surprised! [Why so soon?] Lucius thought, normally court would be adjourned for three months. [These issues are more serious than, even, I thought!] Jack thought a month was going to be a long time, but undead's sense of time was greatly distorted. The biggest disadvantage undead had was this time distortion. Other short-lived races reacted to them much faster and could outmaneuver their armies and rebuild their forces faster. While they were slower in time, the undead races tend to be stronger individuals on the whole.

Grand Minister Lucius voice rang out, and silenced the Officials, "Court will be adjourned for one months time. The Holy Witch King finds these issues pressing and must be solved quickly! May his Grace have mercy on your undead souls...." As these last words issued forth, the Officials were so numb. It wasn't until later when they had already arrived home did strength leave their bodies, and the collapsed on the floor. Many had their families or servants to move them to their evening tombs. Many of which had never been used before this day. Most were hoping that these evening tombs weren't going to be promoted to eternal tombs in one months time.

Jack stood up, followed by Leslie. Jack held out his left hand to Leslie, who grabbed his in turn. He led her down the 7 steps and back to the Holy Entrance. Lucius was thinking of following, as he had some questions, but felt that the new couple needed time alone, started issuing other commands.

After crossing the threshold of the Holy entrance, the 14 undead priests slowly closed the door behind them.


Many officials had finally made it home, including Marquis Mark. He went to his study on the top floor of his manor. His manor was equipped with a fireplace. He placed some course mushroom stems to the fireplace, and with a firestarter, lit them. Wood in the underworld was very rare and was a terrible material to build with as it would rot easily with the underworld conditions.

Marquis Mark took his place by the fire in his old chair and sat down at last. Time passed while Mark was listening to the fire, the firelight caused flickering shadows to appear on his face. Mark was deeply going over today's court.

After several hours later, a servant announced the coming of Business Head John to the manor. shortly thereafter, a burly zombie dressed in merchant vestments hobbled into the room.

"Say, Marquis Mark... Must have been a hard day, today?" With John's odd gate, he made his way to the chair left open beside the fire and sat down.

The silence lasted for about an hour. soon with a cough, Marquis Mark spoke, at last.

"Yes. Very hard."

"What makes it so hard, it's not like this is the first time you've been to court."

"The Holy Witch King is... different from before a thousand years ago. It's almost like he's a completely different person."

Unknowingly, Marquis Mark had hit the mark but didn't trust this feeling. If The Holy Witch King was a different person, how did he have the same holy aura? The Femur Ferula would have rejected him, and he wouldn't have been able to hold it. Leslie and Lucius would have never bowed to an imposter. More importantly, he was there at the time The Holy Witch King was reawakened and knew the tomb had never been opened before now.

"Different, how?" John looked over to see Mark's head propped up on his right arm, his face away from John.

"He is more... Terrifying."

"When has he not been? How can one undead have all that power?"

"No, that isn't what I mean. He's become... Very sharp. He has always been a genius with cultivation and the works of the Holy light, but..."

"Don't keep me in suspense, Marquis Mark."

Marquis Mark sat back up and looked over to Business Head John.

"Today, he leaned forward on his through and flat out told me he didn't believe me, and directly said my name."

"Huh?!" John thought he mishear, so he dug his left ear for wax.

"Quite that... And you didn't mishear! He literally told me I was lying, in front of every Official in the Capital!"

"If he knows, then how are you sitting here peacefully, now?"

"That's not all, that was just a personal note."

"What else?"

"He told all of Us, he plans to cleanse the court."


"That's right, he plans to slaughter corrupt, and useless Officials."

John was very puzzled, "This is indeed not like The Holy Witch King, but this is a great chance for Us!"

[For Us? When did this become about Us?] Marquis Mark mentally sneered.

"Think about it, you wish to move the "Officials" from Jakahn into the court! With so many Official posts become available, then We just pop them in, and no one is the wiser."

Marquis Mark stood up and walked over to his window that overlooked the City. It was nearing Twilight when the Skull of the Sun God dimmed.

"And you think this is a good idea, then you're a fool, John." Marquis Mark spoke blandly.

Being insulted so blindly and unexpectedly, Business Head John immediately stood up, and berated "I am neither a fool nor someone that you can refer by first name, Marquis."

"If you think that after The Holy Witch King slaughters the court, he is going to just let any regular scholar or official to just fill the gaps, then you have lost it!"

While John was still angry, he finally understood what Mark was getting at... Marquis Mark turned to look at John, with his hands behind his back.

"He knows his Officials have become corrupted, and might even know who did it. He also knows that this has some connection to the Trading Company. Furthermore, I bet he already knows what countries are involved. Dare I say that he already has his entire kingdom in his palm, and is only waiting to make a first!"

At this point, Marquis Mark was faintly rattling... but not from fear, but from anger!

"He is an UNDEAD DAMNED GENIUS! How? HOW?! I ask does he know! He only woke up a week ago, Count... Oh, right... IT'S CONSORT LESLIE NOW!"

Even Business Head John became more sober at this point, "Consort... Consort Leslie. He took her as his wife?"

Marquis Mark stopped his shouting, and replied, "Yes... Before doing anything else, he made it a point to show everyone that she is not his consort. The dumb bitch just stood there for like ten minutes just blankly staring at him, no thanks or anything!"

"She didn't thank him? They talked about doing this before going public, obviously."

"Of course! But it leaves a bad impression to not go through the motions! Then let me tell you what's even more funny. This is the highlight of this shit show."

John needed a good laugh at this moment, "I'm listening."

"After she stood there like a knot on a bone, The Holy Witch King became impatient and pulled her to his side... ON THE THRONE! She was literally sitting on his left arm chair leaning upon him!"

John was stunned for a good count of 5, but then started his gruff laughter!

"HAHAHAHA... She was laying up on the Witch King like he was a barbarian king!" John was holding one of his sides, afraid his laughter would literally bust one of his stitchings.

"While funny, it's not funny that she now has more power. With the coming cleansing, her and that old pile of bones, Lucius are going to be a pain in the hip bones."

John's laughter slowly eased up, and he nodded in agreement.

"Things are turning for the worst, and I only have a short time to remain low key. I need you to take a message to Stonedge." Marquis Mark took a few steps and from his pocket of his vest, he handed John an Ivory bone, that was etched with black writing. This writing looked like some kind of code.

John took the bone, [Is Marquis Mark from Stonedge, then?] John wondered.

"Alright, but what's in it for me?"

"You have already hiked the prices of all the goods in the kingdom, even mine! What else do you want?.... Leave me be, and get on!" Laughingly pointed to the door.

"I'll see you in about two months then," John replied, before walking about.

"No, you won't," muttered Marquis Mark.