A Short Speech to Whip Up A Frenzy

Jack made it to the reception and took the steps to ascend. When he made it there, he could finally see all the faces there. Lucius, Leslie, Verruca, the guards, and... One other... Another child?

[Whose kid is this?] Jack thought so himself. If this child was standing among his closest advisors... Then who was she? He could tell it was a girl child based on the clothes and hair. Interestingly enough, unlike the zombie child he just played and talked with, this one was skeletal.

Jack looked over to Leslie and messaged, [Leslie... How is this child?]

[This is the ambassador from the Grand Tomb of Neolith.]

[Neolith employees kids to be ambassadors...]

[Darling, you're mistaken. This tiny ambassador is an Adult Woman. Why she chooses to remain in her child form... I don't know. Maybe you can ask her at some time in the future...?] Leslie replied and commented.

From this exchange, Jack learned a few key things... Undead could choose their forms, and this ambassador was weird if she remained as a child... Is it because of some kind of illness that is isn't able to change? How do undead change their forms?

[What's her name?] Jack asked.

[Ambassador Emily of the Grand Tomb of Neolith... But she is also known as Princess Emily in Neolith... You were right. They sent over a princess.]

[Are you serious? I was so happy when I found out they didn't... Let me guess political marriage?]

[I believe that's their aim.] Leslie messaged again. These exchanges of quick mental messages were rapid fire and only took the span of a moment.

Jack turned to Lucius, "Grand Minister Lucius, I am glad to have returned to seek your counsel. We need to catch up on some workings within the Church."

Lucius being acknowledged first surprised, but also thrilled him. He bowed deeply, "Of course, your Grace."

"Warmarshal Verruca, Your guards are impressive as always. We still need to speak about other points on the security of the kingdom, if you have time."

"A-Always, your Grace." Verruca was slightly caught off guard. When was the last time his Grace complimented her... Baring his thousand-year entombment. She wasn't sure exactly what to think. His heartfelt words echoed in her mind, along with the words of her best friend and fellow Warmarshal Stephanie Chaoshood.

"My Consort," Jack said lovingly. Though called last, Leslie could tell the tone difference he used when he spoke to her. She smiled in response. Even though she should wait for their wedding day... She really wanted to service her love soon.

She simply said, "Welcome back." While smiling in her seductive voice.

Finally, Jack turned to look at the tiny left out ambassador, "If I'm not mistaken, you must be Ambassador Emily of the Grand Tomb of Neolith. Am I right?"

Emily made a courtesy, and spoke, "Yes, Holy Witch King. I am Ambassador Emily. On behalf of The Grand tomb of Neolith, I wish to speak with you about ways that will benefit the two kingdoms."

Jack mentally raised an eyebrow at the voice that was issued from this little childlike skeleton. Judging by her voice, she sounded to be in her 20s. She had this snobby college girl voice. He could still hear this voice in his mind from his college days. He did not have a good impression of ladies that had this voice.

Thankfully Jack couldn't frown even if he wanted to, with his skeletal face, and so Emily didn't notice anything askew. "Welcome then, Welcome to the Holy Kingdom of Deagoth. We shall speak later then, about this treaty."

"Absolutely, I look forward to our time together!" Emily said sweetly and courtesy again.

[Wow... Neolith must be facing some serious problems for them to send a princess to marry me... Why a little girl... A little skeletal girl at that...] Jack mentally shook his head.

He turned to oversee the crowd of people that were still waiting for him. He could only guess they were awaiting his first public speech since his awakening.

Jack had long mentally prepared several speeches on his trip, so he stepped up, and tapped his Ferula on the stand. This gathered the attention of all the undead, citizens and Officials alike.

Jack again left his Femur Ferula suspended in midair, as he raised both his hands up to greet the crowd. Jack was very familiar with public speaking. He used to be the Student Council Vice-President in college. Well... Before he decided that he no longer wished to be a part of extracurricular.

"My People. There is much to be done! I wish to give a proper meeting with everyone in the city, and the entire kingdom. I have a few words today, as I believe important events are on the horizon. But! Together, with Our people and kingdom as Our armor, Our Armies as Our sword, and Our Faith as Our shield... There... Is... No one... That can withstand the Might! OF! OUR! HOLY! KINGDOM!" Jack started in slow and built of the frenzy in the people who gathered. His shouting was heard to the ends of the city. Many undead looked up from their toil or desks to wonder what was going on? Today would be marked as a great day. The Holy Witch King declared it so, and so it would be to the citizens of the kingdom.

The Citizens and even the Officials were cheering loudly! Our MIGHT! We are the Armor! Deagoth had never been a true military focused state. They learned more to a peaceful theocracy, but Jack... He was able to wipe these peaceful citizens into a warlike frenzy with only a few words. Jack had many people that wanted him to become a politician in his last life, but after what happened in college, he withdrew from the world. If not for him being propelled into his current situation, these skills would have laid to waste.

Jack turned, as he picked up his staff, and walked from the reception. He then ascended the palace steps and was followed by Lucius, Leslie, Verruca, and Emily. A host of guards followed.

Ever lurking in the light, unknown to Jack or the Citizens were his personal guards. The personal guards were furious that they were not able to catch his Grace when he left for Souigak but after much thought... Being Emperor Rank... What could they do besides cleaning up the trash? These guards were the ever silent Holy Sentinels. The name of these guards would change in the future, and this future name would chill even the hearts of undead.


Jack remembered the way, and so he went to his Office. He was sure he had plenty of business. What he really wanted to do was to find his bed called an evening tomb and just drop dead in it. Yes... Jack started to find puns fun.

Jack took his seat behind the desk, Leslie took her position on the couch, Verruca, and Lucius took up both the black chairs in front of Jack's Desk. This left Emily to stand.

Jack looked up to see Emily standing awkwardly. He just couldn't leave her standing, a guest in his kingdom... His mother had taught him better than that if he had a guest. Though in his past life, this seldom if ever happened.

"Let's prepare a chair for Our dear Ambassador," Jack spoke to no one in particular, but a few seconds later, his door opened, with two handmaidens carrying a black bone chair, just like the one Verruca and Lucius were sitting on. After arranging the chairs where Emily was between Leslie on the couch, and Verruca was sitting on the other side of her, with Lucius besides Verruca, Jack got down to business.

"I hope everyone has been well in my absence."

"Well, very well," Lucius replied. The others kept silent, and Jack took note. He observed the four sitting before him.

"Let's bring you to speed. I have decided to abolish the Crag Families."

A sharp breath was taken in by Verruca, Lucius clicked his teeth together, and Emily stared vacantly, only Leslie made no reaction.

"Is... Is he agreeable to this?" Lucius asked he knew from the Archbishops just how much of a pain the Mafioso were. One has to remember that the Warmarshals were in charge of the armed forces, while the Clergy were in charge of the peacekeepers. Deagoth didn't have police in name but had peacekeepers. They were part of the church and punished crime according to Deagoth holy law.

Holy law was a combination of laws made from faith and governance. Committing crimes were known as committing sins, and could be used interchangeably. Sin would never be removed off one's record. An interesting note that sin actually did exist. Not in the same note that Deagoth law stated, but in the way that it was a metaphysical occurrence.

For example, when one undead killed another, the sin of murder would attach to his or her soul, like a blemish or a scar. These tainted souls would have little bearing on day to day unlife, but this could affect cultivation with the Holy Light, or even Arcane energies. While the undead were masters of soul manipulation, it would be a long time, before the undead would think to view the soul for corruption of sin.

On this flipside, the more virtues an undead committed, as an example, willing sacrifice, would brighten a soul, and repair sin. It wasn't known who or what had made such a cosmic mechanism in place, but it could only be deduced that it was used for the judgment of souls in the afterlife.

Undead were not the abominations that other races would make them out to be. They were anticipated by the cosmic mechanism of the afterlife. So when a soul was bound to an undead body, it only prolonged its journey to the afterlife, with only newly dead could be resurrected. This was before the soul was sent to await judgment. Oddly enough, the undead found a way to procreate. Jack would later find out this information.

"Yes. I have already talked everything over with Boss Crag. In fact, I have made another decision." Jack paused for dramatic effect, unknown to him that no one cared, and would patiently wait until he spoke.

"The Crag Families and Boss Crag will be absorbed by our kingdom, and become part of our kingdom."

""What?!"" Verruca and Lucius spoke almost at the same time. Emily kept silent, not sure who Boss Crag was, or even who or what a mafia was, as in the Grand Tomb of Neolith... They didn't have mafia... They had slave unions that caused them issues.

Something flashed in Leslie's eyes, as she opened her mouth to speak, "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer... Is that it?"

"That is definitely one of the boons of such an undertaking." Jack spoke, then looked to Emily, "Ambassador Emily, I will be talking about various other important aspects of the kingdom with my advisors. I don't believe it would be good for you to continue to sit with Us." Jack finally realized that he was talking about some pretty secretive stuff, and was almost going to speak about his upcoming plan. Emily was an outsider, a guest, but an outsider as well.