Willingly Exposed

"We thank you for this news. This is most interesting..." The King hesitated, but decided to ask anyway, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about an attempted assassination on The Holy Witch King?" The King had received information in a flurry that the whole of Deagoth was being turned upside down from such an issue but had no information on who or even where it took place.

"Indeed, I do. If you didn't ask, I was going to volunteer the information. After all, this concerns your backyard." Mark said in a serious tone, there was no more fun in his voice.

The King frowned deeply, "Please enlighten Us."

"This information... Not even I can be one hundred percent sure, but I am at least eighty-five percent sure it is correct."

Mark's voice rang in the royal chamber. No one moved. How could anyone in this room not know about the assassination attempt in Deagoth? The whole of the Country was in chaos, seen to it by the Warmarshals of Witch king. What was eighty-five percent sure? That was a near guarantee of true information, more importantly... It concerned their backyard...?

"This information... I'm not sure I should speak it aloud, Your Highness." Mark finally said hesitantly, his head shifting to look at all the aides in the room.

The King of Jakahn took the hint, and with a wave of his hand dismissed everyone. Many of the aides threw looks at Honored Guest Mark... Just what did he want to say, and how was this going to impact them. They wanted to know; who wouldn't want to know. As the servants were leaving, they left the treasure chest that contained the Lavagrim Geoshark fin to the side of Mark.

When everyone had finished leaving, the royal chamber was mostly vacant. Only the silent Bat Man Warrior guards remained, Princess Violet, and the King of Jakahn remained.

The King of Jakahn made a gesture to Mark to continue.

"According to my sources, the attempted assassination was carried out by a 'Bat Man Assassin.' I'm sure you both know what this means."

Mark could see from the body language of both the King and Princess they were mentally messaging each other.

This time Princess Violet spoke, "We have a number of Bat Man Assassins here, and We don't show any missing. Are you completely sure?"

"My apologies dear princess... This simple undead can at most say I am ninety percent sure if I completely trust the source, but no more. I would like to remark though, that if I didn't have that level of confidence in this information, I would never speak of it. We both know what this means. I dare not say it in front of your subjects, at least..." Mark didn't finish his sentence and left it to the King and Princess to fill in the blanks.

"Fine." The King spoke.

Mark was inwardly delighted. He had been studying the King of Jakahn from the moment he met him. To his expectations... Everything was going just as planned. He spoke, however, differently.

"Your Highness are you sure? I can only say that someone within the Kingdom is inciting a war with Deagoth. I know you wish to war, but only a fool would tell their enemy in advance!"

The King sighed, "I will find who sent the Bat Man Assassin, but this can work in our favor. The Holy Witch King may not believe it to be Us, to begin with, as only a fool would let his assassin be revealed. This might have bought Us time."

Mark tilted his head for a few moments of silence, and then replied, "I see what you mean. That is good then. This amount of time should be used planning for the upcoming show you plan to put on."

"We think so as well."

Mark decided it was time to leave, "Alright your Highness, I will take my leave. Now that I have all the resources required, I will be going into closed-door cultivation for a period."

"How long will this period be?" The King asked as if this was expected.

"Hard to say. Could be six months up to a year." Mark said in a light voice.

"We understand, but We feel that this final piece of information might not be enough for the work put into acquiring the Lavagrim Geoshark fin." The King spoke with some disdain.

"This one isn't an undead to shirk away from his debts!" Mark bowed.

"Naturally, I will send a complete list of all important locations of Deagoth, and... A map of all the Churches of Deagoth. In addition, I will put down some notes for certain areas. I believe this will come in handy, should your Highness wish."

"This would be for the best. Thank you."

"Until next time." Mark performed a deep bow and then exited the royal chamber, in a manner that was neither fast or slow.

The King and Princess of Jakahn remained silent until Mark was confirmed to have left.

"Daughter... Now, what do you think?" The King of Jakahn relied heavily on his daughter, Princess Violet. She held a very crafty mind and keen insight into people. She had excellent judgment. The King had no sons that could match this aspect. While he really wanted to have a son on the throne, he could only give that idea up. When he retired to the tomb or died... It was Princess Violet that would be made ruler. Even if she married, she would be the supreme Ruler, as Queen of Jakahn. These were thoughts that only the King of Jakahn had, and never revealed them.

"He sent the assassin." Violet looked up at her father.

The King was slightly startled by this revelation, but he never questioned his daughter's judgment. He then looked to be in deep thought, then spoke, "Did he do it as a favor to Us, to buy more time, or is their malevolence behind his actions."

Violet looked up at the ceiling for a few moments. After thinking deeply, she replied, "Yes and no. I believe he did it to buy time for us, but I also believe he did it to distract Deagoth from us. Depending on how he did it, I believe he may be trying to set up another Country."

The King again made a displeased face, "I do not wish to split the Country of Deagoth into two pieces."

"Of course, royal father, but remember... We must not choke trying to eat the whole pie. These notes that Honor Guest Mark will be leaving... We can use the information, but it is best if we do not follow them to the letter. While he's being helpful, I do not wish to be a puppet on a string, nor see you as one either... What does royal father think?"

"I feel the same."


Jack and Leslie stood in front of her mother's guest room in the palace. They had stood here for several minutes already, mentally messaging each other. Jack had already got all the information he needed from Leslie. The Warmarshal had taken over the Grimnight Clan, some got away, and her father's corpse was recovered. It was being sent to the capital by a few Frost Knights and a squad of undead-at-arms.

Still, Leslie continued on to the main topic, when she couldn't put it off any longer.

[Are you sure I should go? Maybe I should come back another day.] Leslie was going back and forth on going in...

[You sounded much more resolute when We left my Library.]

[Well... I've had time to think while walking here, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.]

[Your mother is a fine lady. I'm sure she will be happy to see you. She told me as much on Our trip here.]

[We could just go back to your room.]

[You temptress... I bet We are going to do that tonight, anyway. Come on, and let's go in... This is going to weigh heavy on your heart, if you don't get it out of the way quickly.] Jack finally laid his thoughts bare.

[Uhgg! Alright!] Leslie clenched her silver teeth and pushed open the door. She didn't even knock.

She walked in, and Jack soon followed. Leslie seen her mother seated in a nice chair. She was sowing clothes. Her mother, Jade, no longer needed to sow, but she felt compelled to do so from years of the task. It was almost like a hobby for her.

Jade looked up to see the undead beauty enter her chamber. She was dazed for a moment, but then called out with a sweet smile, "Daughter, your here."

All the apprehensiveness Leslie held, all the anxiety, and more were swept. She quickly went to her mother and dived into her arms. Jade held her daughter, as the mother and child reunited for so long shed black tears of joy.

Jack stood to the side watching this feeling helpless. He watched the pair bond through emotions. He had seen Leslie emotional before, but out of all the undead to date. This was the first time he witnessed undead being so emotional.

It wasn't that undead didn't feel emotions. They felt them the say as any other sentient creature, however as most undead existed for long periods of time, their emotions dulled. It wasn't that they weren't passionate or emotional creatures, but they had ample amount of time to display them. It might be best to explain this by the phrase, 'Live fast. Die young.' Whereas the undead were, 'Live slow. Die old.' With the phrasing of what was living or dead to the side, undead generally lived long lives in times of peace.

After the moment of joy, Leslie's feelings of guilt swept in afterward, "Mother, I am so sorry... I didn't know! I should have known. I should have been there! This daughter is unfilial!" Leslie was crying to her mother, after her bout of joy, wailed up many other emotions.

Jade soothed her daughter, "Leslie. Sweetie. It's okay. I'm here. His Grace took care of my problem. Everything is going to be fine."

"But... But... Mother! I could have stopped this! I could have done something!" Leslie cried.

The tears on her mother's face ran down it, as well.

"Let me ask you a question," Jade spoke softly to her daughter.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you hate mother for not being able to stop the Clan from exiling you?" While Jade was speaking softly, one could hear her voice crack.

"No! You were the one that helped me get here to Saigunrai! You were the one that helped me obtain my cultivation tome! If you didn't help me then, how would I have met my future husband! So no! I don't hate you. I only worry you are disappointed in me."

"Hush now! You're my pride. I've heard every piece of major news on you for centuries. You make your mother proud. I hope you can accept mother for not being able to give you a better life."

"Nonsense! Mother has done her best for me."

"Then let's put this behind us." Jade continued to cry together.

Jack was awkward. He didn't like to see ladies crying, but he didn't know how to make this better. He figured it could only run its course, also it wasn't his place to say anything at the moment.

After a few moments of bonding, Jade spoke up, "Sweetie, it might be backward, but I've already met his Grace."

"I know." Leslie separated herself from her Mother's embrace.

Jack heard this and stepped in, "It's good to meet mother-in-law."

Jade chuckled at this... Like he didn't already say this to her, but in her heart, there was a bit of bitterness for undisclosed reasons.

"You make a fine husband for my daughter. In truth... You and she aren't a good match. So I can only hope you will keep a place in your heart for her." Jade shook her head.

This was the third time Jack had heard something like this. He tried not to think about it, but it was starting to get to him. Leaving to the side, for now, he replied, "Now that I have both of you here... I have something to speak with you about."