That's a Lewd Name

Jack had changed back to his regular clothes, and after a bath in Holy water, he and Leslie retired for the remainder of the night to partake in natural pleasures. Their encounter came to an end the next morning. She was roused from her state, as she had work.

"You could just put it off a bit longer," Jack said lazily from within his evening tomb, that held both him and Leslie.

"Uh huh... If I really did that, it would be another week before we would be done, huh?" Leslie said teasingly.

"You can't blame me. This has quickly become my favorite pass time." Jack had turned over to lay on his boney side, as he overlooked the small lady inside his tomb.



"What did you really feel yesterday... I feel that you held back a bit." Leslie asked a bit hesitantly. She was afraid of what she was asking, but she needed to know to safeguard the kingdom.

"I... It's hard to explain, but... Have you ever been doing something when you get that feeling someone is watching you or staring at you?" Jack said feeling slightly complicated.

"Of course, even non-cultivators get that. Some call it Our sixth sense, but cultivators call it Our spiritual sense." Leslie nodded.

"Okay then, that makes this easier to explain." Jack felt better knowing they had a word for it.

"My spiritual sense tingled from something in my connection with the Light. I can only guess... This is just a guess, I can't be sure if it's a fact or any of it's true at all... So, take this with a pinch of salt."


"I think one of my enemies or an enemy of the kingdom just lost something. They lost something important... And they blame Us for it. I don't know if it is Our fault... I mean it could be the Grimnight clan, but I don't think so... But never the less, someone lost something close to them, and they want to destroy Us for it. That sick feeling like ice being poured into your belly... That's the feeling I get when I think about it. I don't know how I feel these things when I don't have a body." Jack shook his head.

"Well, We can feel with our souls... Otherwise, last night would have been dead for both of us." Leslie giggled.

"Har har."

"So, the world is going to go to war just because of one person?"

"I... I don't know, but I feel that something big is coming. World war is the only thing I can think of to make it be that big... Well, that or an invader that will destroy Us all."

"Jack don't joke about that."

"I'm not...."

Leslie felt slightly complex about the situation as well.

"So... When I leave, you're going to retire to cultivation. Where are you going to go hole up at?"

"My library. I need to work out some spells first. I think that will be the best way to solve a lot of my problems. I have an idea on how to work it."

"Well... Couldn't you just use the angel of death to wipe everyone out?"

"The angel of death has a price to pay to use it."

"Oh?" Leslie said surprised.

"This time I have a question," Jack asked slowly.

"Hmmmm???" Leslie thought this was intreating, as Jack rarely asked her questions.

"About Emily... About Julia..."

"Oh... I see."

"Yeah. I want to know what you really think..."

"Well... I feel slightly better now about it." Leslie said while thinking.

"Feel better? What do you mean?"

"Well... Ummmm... Let me ask you this... Do you think of me as a tool to be used?"

"What??? No! Why would you say that?" Jack said surprised, and slightly angry.

Even though Leslie heard anger in his voice, it only served to give her a warm feeling. Undead enjoyed the most in their life things that gave them warm feelings. This was one of the reasons undead were more passionate and had a more addictive nature.

"I'm... Still not okay with my father..." Leslie spoke.

"...I know what you mean..."

"Hmmmm? You had a decent father..." Leslie spoke looking over at Jack, propped next to her.

"Let's just say my father was never around," Jack said this to mean not the father of the Holy Witch King, but his father from his last life.

"Oh. I see."

"I don't know about everything Jade said about your father, but... I will never be like that."

"Never say never," Leslie said playfully, but seriously.

"Yeah, yeah... But my feelings for you are real. I'm not going to lie. When I first saw you, I had the idea to use you for information, but... I've fallen for you."

Leslie heard the truth in his words, and her heart was put to rest. If Jack said he never had any other feelings than love, Leslie wouldn't have believed him... even if his words sounded true to her.

"Well... I really need to get going."

"Leslie do something for me while I'm in retreat."

"Take care of your baby Consort?" Leslie laughed

"Ugh... No! I want you to check on the people that are from the Heretic Tribes Lucius keeps harping on... Something about that gives me a bad feeling." Jack said rather vaguely.

"Infiltrators?" Leslie's first thought spilled from her mouth.

"Maybe... Just check behind them, and make sure there are no problems."

"Well... I'd of done it, to begin with, but I will be extra sure."

"If you find anything that's not quite right... I want you to interrogate them. Get the information. That's what We need the most at the moment." Jack said with stern words.

"Alright, leave it to me," Leslie said with sweet words and a smile on her face.

[Ah... Jack?]

Jack was slightly startled... No one contacted him first... [Lucius?]

[Oh, thank goodness... I wasn't sure if you were still... You know.]

[Well, Leslie has work this morning.] Jack said, as Lucius could tell the disappointment in his voice.

[I see. Then that's for the better. I really need you to see Jordan Grimnight. He's losing his mind over wanting to meet you again!]

[Oh yeah... I remember now. You said that you promised that I would see him for information on the Grimnight clan.]

[That's right. I've been putting it off really, with the whole issue after issue lately. Things have become quite livingly, haha, now that you're back among us.]

[Haha, I see what you did there. Alright. I'm going to go change to my royal robes. Send someone to get me from my wardrobe.]

[Alright. I'll see you in a few.] Lucius ended.

"Who was that?" Leslie could tell that Jack's silence meant he was talking to someone. She was very sensitive to this kind of thing.

"Lucius... He wants me to meet with Jordan Grimnight."

"Oh yeah... If I'm not mistaken I think he might be my third cousin."

"Oh really... I'm glad you didn't get mad at me when I got him to confess."

"The Grimnights... I... I'm thinking about changing my name. I don't want anything to do with them."

"Change your name???"

"Yes. My surname is Grimnight... But I don't want them anymore. As an exile, I could of just dropped it then, but I kept it because of my father... Now I don't want it. Can I... Can I take your name?"

"Do wives take their husband's last names?"

"Well... No..."

[Ah... Just like in my world, then again... The people in the west would change the last name of their women. Meh... Works for me.]

"That's fine. You can change it."

[Wait... What was my last name again?] Jack was stumped... He remembered what the last guy said to an extent, but he was having trouble remembering. Jack was always slightly muddle headed after his pleasurable encounters.

"Speaking of which... What is your last name?" Leslie asked, while her eyes traced the bones that made up Jack's ribs, spine, and arms.


[Think, think, think!]

"Hmmmm?" Leslie looked up to make eye contact with the flaming eyes of Jack.

[BONEREAPER!] Jack finally got the sudden inspiration, like remembering the name of that character on that movie you thought, but couldn't remember.

"My last name is Bonereaper."

"What a lewd last name." Leslie giggled.

"Oh yeah... You call that kind of thing reaping don't you." Jack remembered Leslie's jargon about soul union's easily... Again, this tells us where he placed his priorities.

"Leslie Bonereaper... I like the sound of that... Okay. I'm going to change my name."

"How does one do that?"

"Well there are special instances it's done, so it's not like its unheard of... I'll take care of it. Go meet that Grimnight..."

"Alright saying it like that?"

"They are outsiders to me now," Leslie said callously, as she popped the tomb open, and hopped out.

Jack got up, and sluggishly got out of the tomb as well, as he did, Leslie pounced on him.

Another awkward kiss from her, and she slide off.

"That one was for the road... I'm going to miss you for a while." With that, she slid out the door and was gone.

Jack scratched the back of his bald skull.

[She never fully answered my question about the Consorts... I guess she's still coming to terms. Haaaa~]


Jack left his room to get dress. After which, with his Femur Ferula in hand, he stepped into the hallway. Already waiting for him again was Templar Robert and Templar Grace, waiting on bended knee.

"Let's get going then." Jack command, as he made the rise motion with his hand.

They rose, gave a Deagoth salute, and led Jack to the jail quarters.

Jack found that this time, they used a different exit point from yesterday. It was interesting that this exit point led to a walkway directly to the jail quarters.

[How is it safe to have the jail next to the prison???] Jack mused, but this was the doing of the last guy.

As Jack approached, he met Lucius waiting for him with the Warden of the Jail.

"Ah, His Grace honor's us with his visit." The warden bended knee on The Holy Witch King's Approach.

The Grand Minister did a simple bow but was not required to bend knee. He also made an introduction, with Jack's memory as a reminder.

"This is Warden Metalhearts. She takes care of everything here at the jail quarters."

"So, you're a member of the Metalhearts clan here in Saigunrai?" Jack asked as he looked over this undead. She was a short stout skeletal undead. Her bones were very thick giving her a stocky look. She had a skeletal face, but her face was covered in black runes in a tribal tattoo style, Jack had seen in his last life. She had hair as well, short red hair in a bob haircut. She was quite the interesting looking undead, but... She had reminded Jack kind of an undead dwarf...

[Wait... The Metalhearts clan are blacksmiths...!! Undead dwarves?! You have to be kidding me. Simply unbelievable. Now that I think about it... The Official of Unlife Metalhearts was a short bearded male zombie undead!]

"Yes. I thought to become Warden as a job change about a fifteen hundred years ago. It was Consort Leslie that appointed me, with the Grand Minister's approval."

Lucius nodded.

The warden continued, "The Consort stated that We could save on metalwork in the jail quarters using me to get the family discount for the bars, cells, and chains."

In a rare instance, Jack was glad he didn't have eyes, or they would have bugged out at this comment. Undead dwarves followed by Leslie blatantly using a member of the Metalhearts clan to get discounts...

[She is, after all, the treasurer of the kingdom. Haaa~] Jack had become accustom to sighing in his mind.

Jack made a motion for Warden Metalhearts to rise.

"I'm sure you're here to meet Wackynight." The Warden made comment.


"Ah... I'm so sorry." The Warden had the posture of embossment.

"The prisoner's really taken to nicknaming everything around here." She continued.

"Why is he nicked name this?"

"You... You just have to meet him. He's become kind of a wacko. Follow me, your Grace." The warden turned and led The Holy Witch King and the Grand Minister inside.