Unexpected Alliance

Inside a large mansion, in the capital city of Stonedge, a group of undead were having a celebration. This group of undead looked to be a mix of bone docs in white lab coats and Clergy of the Three gods. These Clergy differed greatly from Deagoth's. Each of these Clergy wore black robes with a symbol on the chest. This symbol was a triangle pointing down. In the middle of the Triangle were three different colored eyeball designs.

"Alright, boys! We've finally completed our the prototype and driver!" An undead bone doc called out. This Bone Doc was dressed differently than the others. He wore a white lab coat, with black leather pants. He was a half zombie, as his the upper half of his face, above the nose still had flesh. He had normal eyes, but below his eyes was all bone, that had turned a slight yellowish shade. His right hand was skeletal and his right hand was a fleshy grey color, as seen sticking out from his lab coat.

"Yes. Our faith thanks the bone docs of Stonedge. We must say, that Stonedge is the cutting edge of magical research regarding fungus." The head of these clergy spoke.

"Third Bishop is too kind. This breakthrough wouldn't have been possible without the investment of much glowstone and... Volunteers of the faithful." The Bone doc laughed out.

"Of course, of course. So, Chief Researcher Vincent... Can you show Us an example of your latest research?" The Third Bishop asked as he sipped on putrid wine.

"We would need a good sized test village, but I got a driver and spores ready. In fact, I have ten ready at this moment." This strange looking researcher was Chief Researcher Vincent. Lead researcher in the medical and magical arts of the Republic of Stonedge. His name was feared throughout the country.

"Good. I can't wait. It will be interesting to watch your spores take over the bodies of the populace of Deagoth! I would love to see the expression on that war bitch's face when she has to kill her own people to stop the spread of more spores!" The Third Bishop laughed, and so everyone laughed with him.

"Yes. Yes. Deagoth has bullied our republic for too long. We can both carve out a large chunk for us, naturally, the survivors can convert to your faith... If there are any left." Chief Researcher Vincent spoke, as the laughter died down.

"I want to see the effects of these spores. Do you have any suggestions?" The Third Bishop looked back over to Vincent.

Vincent looked up in thought for a moment, as he took a sip of the same wine, "Hmmmmm... I believe there is a small village to the west of us. If memory serves right, I believe that they have problems paying taxes. It's a poor village, but don't quote me on it. I was never one for politics."

"Doesn't matter. Can We try it there? We and my priests are quite interested in seeing our investment in action." The Third Bishop spoke, as he looked to his followers.

"I don't see why not. Let me just pass a message to a few friends." Vincent called to one of his subordinate staff members. After a few minutes of talk, the staff gofer dashed out.

The chatting went on for another half hour until the gofer returned. This gofer whispered a few things to Vincent before rejoining the crowd.

"Well some money had to be used to get the right people to look away, but I think it will be worth it to test the finished product, no?"

"If everything is as you say, money isn't a problem." The Third Bishop nodded.

"Well... The biggest sinkhole is the sheer budget we spend on secrecy..." Vincent shook his head, "The senators are still worried that the Shadow of Deagoth has found out about our little experiments."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that. A little bat told us that the shadow should be looking for the new head priestess, and her involvement with the Heretic Tribes of the east." The Third Bishop nodded and spoke knowingly.

"Well, alright then! Let's get moving. We have a military escort even! Granted when we are done, the military is going to burn the whole place to a crisp. The senators I represent are afraid that the spores will get out. Which is impossible, but if it makes them sleep in their evening tombs better." Vincent shrugged, as everyone followed him outside.

A few moments later, five large carriages pulled by undead horses rolled up. Three of the carriages were ready to load them, while two were covered with large black leather tarps. The Bone docs and Clergy of the three gods bordered them, and they made their way. As the escort left the slight glow of the capital, they were soon followed by three squads of soldiers of the republic.

"Friends I suppose?" The Third Bishop looked behind the escort.

"Yes, the cleanup crew. Each squad is equipped with fire gel explosives."

"Isn't that the jelly that burns like hell's flames?" The Third Bishop looked at a few undead horses that were packed down among the three squads.

"Yeah. Another of my products, at a time I was really into alchemy." Vincent nodded, looking pleased.

"Is it possible that the clergy could buy some of these?"

"Hell! I think it's a good idea to put a few on the drivers and if they die, let them go off! So of course!"

"You're wretched mind conceives the most evil of ideas. It certainly a good thing we do this for the faith, else we may have to pray for our souls." The Third Bishop commented as the carriage hit a bump.

"Well... I don't really subscribe to all that noise, but give me the tools and resources and anything is possible."

"Oh, yes. That would be why we are here now."

After a few hours of traveling, the escort followed by the soldiers of the Republic made it to the outskirts of the village, that had been sold as a test site, unknown to the inhabitants.

Vincent got down from the carriage and was followed by the clergy, as his researchers pulled the tarps of two loaded carriages off revealing to contents. One carriage was filled with various strange equipment and a few cages that held strange looking bats. The second carriage was loaded only with one wrapped up body.

The researchers under Vincent pulled the body down and began waking up the undead inside. While Vincent went to the carriage of equipment, asking for the Clergy to follow.

"What's all this?" The Third Bishop asked, what was on the mind of his followers.

"Oh! I guess you guys didn't know a side project of mine for the military." He pulled one of the cages to him and opened it. From inside the cage, a strange looking bat creature clawed it's way on to the bony hand of Vincent.

It was a bat, but in the place of its head was a large egg sized eye. Vincent took a few more of these creatures out, and when to the side and pulled out a veil of pink fleshy colored fluid from a case in the carriage. He returned and poured a few drops on each creature.

"I call these eye bats. Instead of hearing, they see! But that's not the best part." Vincent announced to the Clergy that was his audience.

He took the creatures, one by one and threw them up into the air, where they began to fly in a circle. He reached over and pulled out multicolored gem-stone.

While he was doing this, his team of researchers woke up the body, and it shambled to the front of the caravan, as it was ready to walk to the village. The Villagers were interested in what the military were doing, but didn't dare to interfere with their business, as they watched from their homes and businesses.

Vincent picked up each iBats and tossed it into the air, where it circled overhead. A two of his researchers came over and hauled out a large crystal slab, and desk. They put the desk down next to the carriage, and propped the crystal slab on top of the desk and angled against the carriage. If Jack was here, he would think this looked a lot like a Crystal quartz TV Display. In fact, this slab functioned a lot like that.

After inserting a few of the crystals into the side of the slab, the images on the crystal slab flickered between moving aerial shots, which any of the bystanders could tell where from the bats. The clergy looked up and then back to the screen in slight awe. This was pretty good stuff.

It was unknown how Vincent controlled the bats, but they flew out to the village. Many undead in the village paid no attention to the new eyes in the sky, as they like many other undead, were used to bats flying about. Bats in the Underworld were like birds in the Overworld... Extremely common.

Vincent clapped his hands, which produced no sound as he spoke, "Alright! Everything is in place. Come guests of the Nation. This crystal will show us what happens when my spores spread. This will be a great show! I promise."

Vincent sent a few messages, and then under that was woke up out of the bag, was lifted up and pushed into the direction of the town.

This undead was a sickly looking skinny zombie. On closer inspection, one could see various shapes of mushrooms on its skin. All these mushrooms had a similar look. They looked just like the same ones that grew on the side of deadwood trees that made up the forests to the east of Stonedge. These mushrooms were usually nothing to worry about but had the strange ability to grow on the animals in the area. Even skeletal undead couldn't stop these mushrooms, as they would also eat flesh, bone, and wood. These mushrooms were called, Dead Soul Shrooms, and only Creator knews exactly what Vincent had done to them.

The audience drew around the screen as they watched the air views showing the undead shuffling slowly to the village.

The villagers were slightly curious, but also cautious... What was this shambling undead doing? Maybe he was injured and needed help?

A villager called to the undead, "Hey... Friend do you need a bone doc? We only have one, but he can't fix big problems."

The undead continues to get closer. The collection of seven undead frowned, "Hey friend, are you a mute type? Just nod, or something." Another villager asked.

The undead was now within light of the glowstone lamps of the village.

A lady villager looked at the completion of this undead, "This friend doesn't look so good? Why did the Military send him over? They should have taken him to the capital, right?"

"One would think so? Maybe he just looks like that." Another villager spoke, looking hard.

Finally, the undead had made it into reaching district, and they could see he had no eyes, but had black mushrooms growing from them.

This frightened the villagers, as the begun to back up.

"Why would they send someone like that here???" Another villager looked into the distance at the military that rolled up. They could tell by the flags flown on the side of the carriage it was the military, so why?

A tall undead zombie mushroom farmer called out, "Everyone get back to your-"