A Banshee Gossips

"That's one down... Three to go." Mark said with a bit of humor in his voice.

"When did you plant those bombers?" Jacob to the side asked as he saw the armies marching, and seen troops go into the forest to ambush them like they didn't know they went into the forest...

"They were put there when the Ballista were being set up."

"That was two weeks ago!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Yeah. Best laid plans, as they say, and lay they did. Now that We have enraged the War Goddess... Let's see if she is going to walk through our playground. I can only thank her for being emotional right now, and not backing off." Mark spoke these words with sincere thanks, which troubled Jacob.

"Well, what's the plan now," Jacob asked as he was lost when the dust started. This wasn't the kind of war theater he could run.

"Let them hit up the playground first, and then set General Lee them. Have him fight the good Warmarshal Verruca. You say he's good with his movements. Let's see if he really has it in him."

"What about General Russell?"

"Have you seen General Russell yesterday? Today?"

"No?" Jacob thought for a few moments.

"I've already sent him out yesterday. He struck out early, and by now he should have passed the bridge at Wufengen and be just about time for him to reach Zitergall from the west."

Astonished General Jacob thought General Russell was waiting to the side, as the Original plan... When was General Mark going to let him know???

"Why didn't you let me know about this??? What if I called on him, and I couldn't???" Jacob said slightly angry.

"Come now, General. I didn't want to trouble you with nonsense. Your might was already suppressing this area, why keep General Russell here for no reason? Once he breaks into Zitergall, the achievement of breaking the south of Deagoth will be yours to take." Mark soothed.

Jacob was slightly less angry hearing this. This did appeal to him.

"I'm just here to provide assistance." Mark nodded.

"Of course, you provide the best assistance. This war is completed differently than I expected." Jacob played along, now that his ego was soothed.

Mark laughed, as they turned their attention to the armies heading to them.


Within the Office of Lucius sat Leslie and Emily. They were meeting for the first time today since the departure of Verruca to the warfront to the south.

"Consort Leslie, I know you're really into knowing things... How is the warfront?" Lucius asked.

"MMMmmmm, you don't have to call me Consort. You can call me by name. You know that... Also, which?"

"Oh... Jakahn's invasion." Lucius clarified.

"I'm afraid we've already lost one Warmarshal."

"WHAT?!?" Lucius called out!

Emily was equally shocked. Partly because she couldn't see a Warmarshal falling in battle, as commanders never fell... but... How casual Leslie was saying it.

"Warmarshal Ken Quicker... 'The Whisper of Death' is no more. He was killed in action while shielding Verruca from a type of poison bomb." Leslie spoke.

"THE GUY AT THE BORDER HAS MET TRUE DEATH!?!?!?!" Emily shouted in fear!

Leslie casually looked over to Emily and patted her on the knee, "Yes. He's gone. We didn't even get a chance to show why he's called the Whisper of Death at the warfront. A shame really... Right now, Verruca isn't very happy. She is charging with her army head lone into the retreating armies of Jakahn."

"I bet she isn't. That one has always been like that." Lucius shook his head.

"Well... What about the other warfront, if that's what you want to call it?" Lucius continued.

"Ah, well... Interesting things have been happening in Souigak." Leslie said with a smile, catching both Emily's and Lucius' attention.

"About the warfront in the north, the Dead Tide approaches Souigak, and it threatens to crush it," Leslie spoke again, feeling a bit depressed about the Dead Tide.

"You feel that the Dead Tide is of more concern that Jakahn?" Emily asked.

"At the moment, I do. Jakahn isn't the problem... Former-Marquis Mark is the problem in Jakahn. Without him, they would fall apart to our armies." Leslie paused, and then continued, "The interesting bit in Souigak is that not too long ago is about the sister of Warmarshal Michael, General Dunnder."

"You know those siblings," Leslie asked vaguely.

"Of course, always a loving pair... What happened?" Lucius commented, and asked right away. Michael was his favored Warmarshal and well-liked by the church, as a whole.

"Well, his sister was struck down during their investigation into the Dead Tide to the northern outskirts of Souigak, infected by the Dead Souls. They rushed her back to Souigak because at the time they didn't know of the infection, but the wound was great. Warmarshal George repaired her, but they took notice of the Black Mushrooms that took root in her eyes. Warmarshal George documented a lot on the Dead Soul Mushrooms through Jennifer, and Michael mostly grieved... I don't blame him." Leslie sighed.

Emily learned about this Dead Tide from Leslie... It was terrifying. She hoped Jack would come out soon. She was finding it hard to sleep at night and has been resting with Leslie in Jack's tomb every night for a long while now.

"How devastated is Warmarshal Michael? Will he be able to defend Souigak?" Lucius asked concerned for both Michael and the Cities' faithful in the north.

"Oh... That's the interesting part I'm getting to... Jennifer is okay." Leslie said smiling.

"Okay?" Lucius asked bewildered.

Emily stared questioningly.

"Jack saved her." Leslie dropped another bombshell.

"PRAISE THE GOD-KING!" Lucius slapped his hands together and bowed his head.

"Really, Lucius...?" Leslie asked looking at Lucius' reaction... It wasn't like Lucius didn't know him personally.

"How did he do it? Isn't he in his Library?" Lucius leaned forward, he wanted to know.

"Didn't you just praise him...???" Leslie couldn't follow Lucius ever since Jack was hailed the God-King.

"Of course! It was the blessing of the God-King that saved her, but I don't know how." Lucius shook his head.

Emily remained quiet, but she wanted to know as well! How did he do it, when he was here?

"Jack has become... One with the Light, so to speak." Leslie's smile widened on her face. She had been saving this for a while.

"ONE-ONE-ONE WITH THE LIGHT?" Lucius yelled while slumping back into his chair. He praised the God-King, but it never occurred to him in a million years that Jack would reach this level of Cultivation!

Emily wasn't sure what this meant, "What is one with the Light?"

Lucius looked over at Emily and said nothing. Emily shifted a few times, as she felt awkward from the silence.

He collected himself, and leaned back, "One with the Light... Think about the ultimate state of Cultivation in the Underworld! No wonder we could hear him in the Light! He's within the Light! He could even be here! Who could be safe from him? Who couldn't he protect? What secrets has he learned? Just... He is a god!"

"Well Lucius, The 'One within' State isn't the ultimate state of Cultivation." Leslie corrected.

"As far as anyone here is concerned!" Lucius countered!

Emily kind of understood, now. [Is this what makes him a god?] she wondered.

"So, he just knew to show up and help her? If that's the case, why didn't he show up and save Warmarshal Ken?" Lucius asked.

"Are you questioning the God-King?" Leslie teased.

Lucius waved his hands in the air back and forth, "NO, NO, NO!"

Leslie giggled, while Emily looked to be in deep thought.

Lucius seeing that he was being teased, went back to his question, "Alright, you had your fun. Tell me?"

"Because in Souigak, Prophet Lightborn showed up and taught Warmarshal Michael how to pray to Jack. After the prayer, Jack showed up and completed his request."

"So, it does work..." Lucius looked up into a Glowstone lamp on the wall.

Emily turned to look at Leslie, "I don't mean to interrupt us from praise Jack as the God-King, but didn't you say these Dead Soul thingies spread by spores?"

Leslie nodded, "Yes. They attach to living and unliving creatures and take over their souls through these spores."

"I think I have an idea. I need to contact my mo-The Queen of Neolith." Emily slipped off her seat, to walk to the door.

Lucius called out, "Emily, you don't have to correct yourself... We know the Queen is your mother... You're the princess."

Emily turned her head, and whipped her smooth spider silk hair over her shoulder, "And you don't have to praise the God-King like he isn't mine and Leslie's husband, and your best friend." Emily opened the door and walked out.

Lucius looked to Leslie, "Is it me, or is a lot of you rubbing off on the little one?"

"I do my best." Leslie shrugged grinning from ear to ear.