Spread the Name of the God-King

"Ja- God-King... Can you... Can you do this for Warmarshal Ken and Warmarshal Mossvale? Bring them back?" Verruca asked looking up at the skyline.

"Where are their bodies?" Jack asked as he felt an acute pain in his mind, like an icepick headache.

"To the south of Zitergall, Warmarshal Ken fell due to a weapon of Jakahn. He's covered in a black mass... Same with Mossvale. He fell south of the forest there." Verruca pointed.

Jack's hand moved through to above where Ken's body fell, and for the first time seeing this new weapon... After a few moments of looking this over, he felt that it was almost the same as the mushrooms he treated Warmarshal Michael's sister in Souigak... But these already ate the soul and did not take over the victims...

He moved over to Mossvale and found the same...

"I am sorry, my Julia... But their souls have been destroyed... They never returned to the cycle." Jack said reluctantly.

"The cycle?" Stephanie asked.

Jack didn't answer, as his head was throbbing with the incessant voices again. It was scratching at the corner of his mind.

Jack looked to the ruined City of Zitergall, and then to the forest to the south of the City. When he just looked this place over for Warmarshal Mossvale's body, he could make out some of his people left in that forest actually still fighting against Jakahn. Jack moved his hand, as his host of Cherubs followed. The Cherubs went into the forest and reaped the remaining lives of all the Jakahn warriors, and extracted all Mossvale's troops, bringing them to Verruca's hill.

His voice boomed to the remnants of the Jakahn's armies, "Where is Former-Marquis Mark?"

General Jacob that was retreating with his remaining men, trembled at this question, as he looked into the air to see the giant skeletal hand of the Witch King.

He felt truly powerless before this being, as he jumped from his undead steed and fell to his knees again, "My lord! I-I don't know. He has deserted us."

"Why am I not surprised..." Jack contemplated if he should allow these people to flee... When an idea struck him... He needed people to witness what he did first hand and spread his name.

"What is your name?"

"Ah- My lord, I am called General Jacob of Jakahn." General Jacob shivered on the ground, with no more glory than he had previously.

"Ah. General... Jacob. Are you willing to serve me in my interest, and I will spare you and your men's lives." The God-King asked.

Verruca heard the voice and didn't know why Jack would offer such to their enemy, but she didn't rebut him. She couldn't hear General Jacob.

"I will obey! I will follow your teachings! O' mighty one!" General Jacob face planted.

"Then you will no longer be called General Jacob, you will now be known as... Obsignator Jacob. You will return to Jakahn and tell of what you saw."

"I will, my lord! I will!" Obsignator Jacob pledged.

"As for the rest of your men... Those that wish to follow you, Obsignator Jacob, are free to, as for the rest of you... You are free to return to Jakahn but know that the eye of the God-King is upon you."

"Ah-ah...AH... GOD-KING!!!" Jacob felt relief wash over him. He was spared... No wonder the Witch King was so powerful. He was actually a god...! How didn't anyone know this!!!

"Go now, Obsignator Jacob. Your first mission is to spread what you have seen here to those of Jakahn. No more... No less... Let those that would do you harm know that, you are my servant. If they dare to kill them, they will feel my wrath. Now look to Zitergall... And see what I can do in anger..."

Jacob and his men looked into the distance at the small city perched between the fork of the red river. They saw the golden skeletal arm of the God-King pull back, and soon...

An earth-shattering sound echoed, as the ground trembled under them. To their horror, the God-King back handed the City of Zitergall... Removing it and much of the rubble of Zitergall, as the remains of the City and ground which it was built on flew into the Brimstone Ocean.

"Now go..."

With one last look at the vacant area that was Zitergall, Jacob could only speak, "Of course!" As he rose and fled with his men as fast as they could, rounding up what undead steeds they had to head back to Jakahn. Anywhere but here... Jacob would first tell the king of what happened here, and then think about what to do next... He figured telling the King of Jakahn was spreading the word of the God-King fulfilling his promise.

The Cherubs were absorbed back into Jack's skeletal hand, as he moved it back over to Verruca to give something to the undead there to see.

The survivors of Zitergall gawked at the removal of their city... There was nothing left... What were they to do now?

"WHAT ARE WE TO DO NOW, GOD-KING?!?" The Patriarch of the Furysmith Clan was badly hurt during the hexplosion but survived. He had remained silent this entire time witnessing the power of the God-King, but with the removal of his City and Clan's home, he couldn't restrain his anger anymore, as he shouted.

All the undead, even his clan members, that surrounded the Patriarch backed from him leaving a large girth between them and him, but the Patriarch didn't care.

"Who are you to question the God-King?"

"I am John Furysmith! Patriarch of the Furysmith clan... HOMELESS!"

"Your home is Deagoth, and We have much to do... We will build a new City... We will name it... Bellum. I will place you and your clan in charge of this city, and it will be built to the east of Saigunrai between Nogore. You will forge a new era for Deagoth. Do you have any objections, Patriarch Furysmith?"

"...This is good... I accept!" The Patriarch spoke happily.

Jack's headache was intensifying, and he wanted to withdraw soon, as he spoke, "Let me take you to Saigunrai. There is no reason to be here."

Noticing everyone agreed, Jack lowered his hand and allowed the survivors to board his hand. With everyone in hand, he closed his fist, and in a matter of moments, he opened it again just outside of Saigunrai letting them leave.

"Julia... We will speak later. Warmarshal Chaoshood, remember my words. Everyone will know that I stand behind you and Deagoth." Jack retracted his hand, as he was about to sink back down into the Skull of the Sun God when a massive amount of power surged into him from the north east.

With this power, Jack knew it was more prayer, as the voices intensified in his mind. He shook it off best he could, as he turned his back to look where it came from...

He could hear Warmarshal Michael's prayer from within the sea of voices, clearly, "Oh, God-King of Light, He who protects and guides all of undeadkind, please hear my cries. I look to the Light and humbly ask you to grant your servants' request. I'll stare straight into the sun skull, and I won't close my eyes. In return I give my faith to the God-King, and a part of my humble power..."

[So, he memorized the prayer from Jordan...]

"Spare a bit of your power to drive back the Dead Tide that seeks to destroy Souigak! Preeces Exaudiantur!" The prayer ended, as Jack could see many black humped forms crashing into the walls of Souigak... Some even got into the City, as the walls collapsed under the attack of large behemoth looking mushroom creatures that shook the ground as they walked.

Even though the voices echoed in his head, making him dizzy and disoriented, Jack moved his hand to above Souigak and squeezed hard. The drops of Light that oozed from between his finger bones again took on the form of his Cherubs.

These Miniature Angels of Death swarmed into the city over the heads of Warmarshal Michael and Warmarshal Darkfield. Relief was finally here! They had been fighting for almost twenty-four hours now, and an hour ago these creatures breached the walls.

The undead that were not prostrated on the ground before the hand of the God-King marveled at the sight of the host of Cherubs that flooded the City. If the people of Zitergall could see, they would find that the air was filled with double the amount that was released previously.

The Cherubs checked over the Dead Souls, with an intelligent zeal. Those Dead Souls that were already completely corrupted and could not be changed back, were cleaved by their Scythes. Those that were newly changed, were held down by two Cherubs as the third cleansed the infection from the soul and body of the undead afflicted.

The large Brutal Dead Soul that were rampaged were systematically dismantled by the Cherubs, as they fell apart. In a matter of moments, the huge Dead Tide that threatened to take over Souigak was eliminated, causing both Warmarshals to be at a loss. Large pillars of Orange dust rose from the bodies that laid.

They faced the Horror of these things infecting more when a voice spoke aloud.

"Do not face the wind but seek cover from the storm."

Michael quickly figured out what was needed, as he grabbed his sister, and told everyone to get into cover. As the last undead that ducked, a storm gale of typhonic proportions buffeted the City of Souigak.

Jack fanned his hand a few times and waved the Orange dust away from the City far into the Distance pass the other side of the Continent's Oceanfront into the Brimstone Ocean.

As Jack was going to pull back, he looked across from Souigak, past Borda, and he could see a second Continent...

[Why... Why is there another landmass over there?] Jack questioned, as his thoughts become muddy from all the voices in his mind talking at once. He felt it was time to pull back now... If he had the feeling that if he let, go for even a moment and didn't settle this down he would be consumed by madness.

He withdrew to through the Skull of the Sun God, and the skies became dark again. The Light of day was a miracle in the Underworld, and for a brief time, the undead of the Ruined Continent knew what it felt like to have the Sun of the Overworld.