The Bet Fulfilled

"Jack... Do you really intend to bring back such a scary person, as this Joan the Butcherer?" Emily continued to stare at Jack.

Jack lifted Emily, and put her on his desk, with her legs dangling on his side of the desk as she was now near eye level.

"I believe I can cure her rage, and if I can... This will be a strong Warmarshal to rejoin Deagoth. I plan to go to war, and if I go to war, then I need leaders, soldiers, provisions, supplies, and war machines."

"Why do you want to go to war so badly?"

"Besides Julia, I've decided that the time where Deagoth gets slapped around, and no one expects Us to retaliate is over. Jakahn attacked Us and retreated without expecting Us to return the favor. If not for you, even your kingdom would be trying to take over Deagoth again. Shady things are going down in Stonedge, and who knows about Borda." Jack detailed.

"Isn't peace better?"

"Peace can only be maintained with the threat of violence. I have shown the lands my God-Form, and this will buy Us a long peace, but this peace will not last forever. Bold fools and liars will seek to sneak away that which I find precious." Jack moved his bony hand to again tousled Emily's webbed hair, as Emily leaned into his hand.

"Things like you. Things like Leslie. Things like my undead people. Never again will I suffer another Zitergall, and never again will I send Warmarshals to a battle that they might lose. Never again." Jack said grimly, but sadly. His flaming eyes went out, and he put his skull against Emily's, as he rubbed against her's in a loving way.



"...Nothing." Emily said as she decided not to question Jack's actions, and just enjoy his rare show of gentleness.


"Sire!" The King of Jakahn's Personal guards interrupted the royal court, while the Officials of Jakahn were discussing the aftermath of Zitergall.

The King of Jakahn sat high on his Throne with his head propped on one fist, as he had become accustom to hearing the jabber from these vassals.


"The Port Authority reports five galleons making their way to us! FIVE GALLEONS! We see flags being made on the deck of the first ship... The Port Authority didn't understand the flag set, until they consulted the former elder captain Jaheed! Elder Captain Jaheed states these are the ancient naval flags of the Kingdom of Blood!"

The King jerked to attention, as his gaze fell on the guard, "How does he know the Kingdom of Blood's Navel flags?!?"

"He says he found them on a shipwreck deep in the brimstone ocean when he was a young undead!"

[The Kingdom of Blood still exists? This isn't good for us... We have to receive them with the highest regards... Potential allies! If I can use them effectively, with the right number of offerings, perhaps they can aid Us in laying waste to Deagoth!]

The King emerged from his thoughts, as he began to issue imperial decrees left and right to welcome in this new foreign visitor with the highest honor!


Jack and Emily departed, once he left his Office, as Jack had one last person, he needed to speak to...

[Julia...] Jack mentally messaged.


[Are you ready to talk?] Jack asked, as he stood outside of his office.

[...I can talk...]

[Where are you at the moment?]

[Home.] Verruca responded, as Jack remembered that she lived in the Verruca Clan compound with her own courtyard.

[I will come and visit you.]


[...Why?] Jack was startled by the intensity of his rejection.

[...I don't want you to visit here... I'll come to the palace.]

[Are your wounds healed?] Jack inquired, as he figured she needed to rest longer.

[I'm fine.]

[Are you lying to me...?] Jack asked, slightly annoyed.


[Julia... If you don't want me to visit you, at least let me send someone to get you.]

[No... Wait in your office, I will be there in a few minutes.] Verruca snapped.

[...Only for you Julia.] Jack turned and opened his Office again and walked back to his desk to sit down.

"Haaaa~" Jack sighed aloud.

Jack waited for Verruca, as he continued to plan out his next steps and his grand design.

Time flew, as he worked, and he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened and the massive frame of Verruca stepped into the office slowly. She closed the door behind her and went to take her seat in front of Jack's desk, on her mind was the bet she had with Leslie.

Jack noticed she was in full battle plate armor, only lacking her weapons, and thus asked, "Julia, why are you armored?"

"...This is what I wear as a Warmarshal..."

"You don't have formal attire?"

"...I don't wear it... This is what I consider formal attire."

"I see."

A long silent drew across the room, between Jack and Verruca.

"Haaaa~ Julia... Can-"

"Why do you call me Julia?" Verruca interrupted Jack.


"Why do you call me Julia, now?"

"...Am I not allowed to?"

"No, I'm just asking. You lost your memory, so it's not like we are close anymore." Verruca spoke flatly, but the quiver in her voice betrayed her indifferent words.

"Is that so?" Jack asked, his flaming eyes danced slowly, as he looked deeply at Verruca.

"What do you want me to call you, Warmarshal?" Jack said slightly indifferent.

Verruca stiffened at this indifference... Her brows furrowed slightly, but she spoke, "Verruca... You can just call me by my last name."

"Alright, Verruca. I have a question. How willing are you to answer me truthfully?"

"I will always answer you truthfully," Verruca said, as she was no longer nervous, but slightly upset about Jack's indifference.

"Can I trust you, with what I'm about to tell you?" Jack asked harshly.

Stunned... This was the only word Verruca could be described as... She had never been questioned her loyalty!

Though angry, she still replied, "My loyalty to Deagoth is unquestionable." Her tone conveyed her anger.

"I think you misunderstand me. Can I, Jack Bonereaper, trust you. Not the Holy Witch King, Not the God-King, Not Deagoth, but just me. Can I personally trust you?"

Verruca slumped slightly as if deflated...

[When had he stopped trusting me?] Verruca thought to herself, but answered, "Y-yes, you can trust me."

"Haaaa~" Jack leaned back in his chair, "I'm sorry."

"What?" Verruca asked what he meant.

"I apologized before, but I am sorry. I feel that your failure in Zitergall is my fault."

"Your fault?"

"My fault. I tried to push you away, piss you off, and make you forget me. I believe this weighed on your mind and caused you to make less optimal decisions in Zitergall." Jack spoke sounding tired.

"My personal life does not interfere with my work life."

"Is that so... Because there is no one that can truly say that... I want to believe that isn't the case, as well... Is it shameful to have that happen more than saying the battles went badly for Us?"

Verruca didn't counter this and remained silent.

"Warmarshal Ken... In my reports, and from personally talking to others, He was head over hills for you. In fact, it wasn't like the guy didn't have suitors. He was well-liked for being obnoxious as some of his close friends said... But he never dated anyone, once he decided to pursue you."

"What's your point."

"Why didn't you date him?"

"I... I didn't like him." Verruca spoke, not sure why this was being discussed.


"Well, yeah," Verruca said now with a firmer opinion.

"I see." Jack paused and then asked, "I thought perhaps Warmarshal Ken could have been a good companion for you, but I guess We will never know."

Verruca was shocked to hear these words, "You wanted to set me up with Ken???"

"Yes. Is that a bad thing?"


"Ken had a good record and was an undead that believed in monogamy. He could give you the one thing I can't... He would have loved you and cherished you like you should be and would have only ever loved you. He had his faults, but nothing I would say that would be Mark him as a terrible person."

"So, you thought you could just pawn me off onto some other guy?!?" Verruca rose her voice.

"Pawn?" Jack stood up from his seat, "No! I want to give you what I can't, damn it!" Jack's voice shook the room.

Verruca again was stunned, when had she been yelled at by Jack?

Jack paused, and walked to the front of his desk, leaning against it to look at Verruca, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't yell. I'm just really upset. I can't speak for you, but you are often on my mind."

"I am?"

"Yes. I've made some choices that have wronged you. We have had a few words about this, but I don't know how to make it better... Haaaa~"

"Then... Drop Leslie and Emily, and you can have me." Verruca lowered her head to look at the floor, as she whispered.

"...This... This is the one thing I can't do, Julia..." Jack said sadly, sad because he didn't know how to fix this. Jack liked to solve problems, but this wasn't something he could solve.

"I don't remem-"

"I don't like to just call you Verruca. I tried, and I screw everything else up, so let me screw up your name." Jack said helplessly.

"...Okay." Verruca relented.

"I just can't Julia. I can't drop Leslie or Emily, but I can give you anything else you want."

Verruca looked up, "What?"

"Do you remember the things I said before I went behind closed doors?"


"While I said them a certain way, I did mean them."

[I'm going to finish that bet] Verruca thought within her mind, as she steeled herself with what she was about to say.

"Jack, I have something to say." She clenched her fists, as she looked into his flaming eyes.


"I don't love you anymore." Verruca gritted her teeth.

It was Jack's turn to be stunned, but he felt this was forced... and something felt... off?

"Then... That's a good thing." Jack acted.

"What?" Verruca didn't understand Jack's response.

"If you don't love me, then that's fine. I'm glad. We are both free." Jack said as if a weight was lifted from shoulders.

"Is that how you really feel? Then I guess we are done." Verruca stood up and went for the door, clearly angry.

"I would feel like that, unless you were lying to me, Julia." Jack's voice echoed behind her, as she stopped just before putting her hands on the doorknob.