It was Indeed Stupid

An estimated six hundred years was completed by Jack's swarm of Cherubs in three hours.

During this time, he chatted with Verruca and Stephanie.

"So, I saw you guys checking some tomes. What are you ladies interested in?" Jack asked making conversation.

Stephanie gave a light laugh, "Making Babies."

Verruca looked the other way, without making comment, and Jack had the feeling of spraying spittle, though this would never happen.

"R-Really? I can't say to know you very well but seems kind of sudden." Jack remarked to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah. Me and my husband have entertained the idea, but it was always after I retired... After what happened in Zitergall... I feel that I should go ahead and have a little one. That time showed me that I might not have very long."

"I see... Life, or rather, unlife is precious." Jack looked at Verruca's profile.

Verruca refused to look back at Jack, as she felt his gaze.

[Julia...] Jack mentally messaged.

[Why are you messaging me? You can talk with Stephanie here.]

[Do you want her to hear, how I think you look nice in your dress... I was too caught up earlier this evening, that I forget to mention it. You look very nice in your sundress.] Jack replied.

Verruca finally faced Jack, but her face was a mix of shock and embarrassment!

[Sh-shut up.] Verruca replied.

[I love how you take a compliment.]

Stephanie looked between Jack and Verruca but didn't say anything... She was just enjoying the faces that Verruca was making. It seemed beside herself only Jack could make her have these expressions.

"So, Stephanie, what names are you thinking?" Jack asked, turning his attention, and giving Verruca some room.

"I'm not quite sure... I know my husband wants to name the boy if I have one... He wants to name him Marik, but I have my reservations." Stephanie replied.

"Only name him Marik if you want him to be an evil bastard, no offense," Jack remarked, as he remembered this name from a show in his last life.

"None taken... I don't like the name. I'm thinking about naming a girl Julia." Stephanie looked at Verruca.

"You shouldn't name her after me." Verruca snorted.

"I think it's a great name," Jack said happily.

"Well, I think that's settled... Now to talk my husband out of his stupidity." Stephanie remarked.

[Maybe I should think of kids...? I need to learn how to have them, it's not like I can't afford them being the ruler... Oh yeah, Jade wants a child with me...]

Jack chuckled at Stephanie's comment about her husband. The conversation went on a bit more, while they waited.

Soon the last Cherub came back with the last book, and with the book deposited into Tux's memory, he announced the completion of all books received.

The Cherubs scattered into light particles that swirled into Jack like a vortex, leaving the Library dim, from its previous bright luster.

"Well, it's done... Finally." Jack was ecstatic! All of the collective knowledge of his kingdom now in his hands! This is what made a god... A GOD! Knowledge!

Jack turned his head, to look at Librarian Terrence, "Thank you, Librarian Terrence. I must remember to fund more Glowstone here. I'll take my leave."

"Th-Thank you, my Lord!" Terrence bowed low and prayed again.

Jack then looked at the ladies, "Anything you guys still need here?"

"I'm good."

"Yeah, me too."

"Alright, Stephanie. If you can escort me back to the Holy Palace, I would really appreciate it."

Stephanie nodded and walked in front of Jack and Verruca.

"Julia, I'm about to complete a ritual for Joan. Would you like to tag along?"

"I... Uh..."

"I understand. I'll see you later." Jack nodded and followed behind Stephanie.

[...Does he want me to go or not???] Verruca could only curse in her mind!

Jack returned to the Holy Palace and entered into his Courtroom from the front entrance.

"Thank you, Stephanie. If you need anything, just ask."

"Of course, God-King." Stephanie bowed and left with her Spell Slingers.

Now left Only Jack and Verruca remained behind, and perhaps a certain Jar on Jack's waist.

"So..." Verruca spoke.

"It's indeed a bit late. I will need to complete Joan's body tomorrow. Will you come back tomorrow, or would you like to spend the night here?"

"I'll come back tomorrow." Verruca blurted out, and then corrected herself, "I'll come back to see you perform the ritual and speak to Warmarshal Joan."

"Alright. Good night, Julia." Jack watched as she left through the entrance.

"Haaaa~" Jack sighed aloud. Even though he didn't have lungs, it still served to make him feel better to do so... Some habits die hard.

"What makes you sigh, God-King?" The Jar on Jack's side vibrated.

Jack turned to leave for his room, as he spoke, "I'm just a bit... tired."

"I feel it has something to do with that Verrucan lass," Joan responded.

"Well... Yes. Many things have happened, and... I still don't know." Jack said wearily.

"I am your tool, my God-King... That means you can use me however you want, for anything you want... I also have existed for a long time before I lost my mind... Perhaps I can help if you will let me listen, though I do not wish to say I would be able to handle the problems of a god better than you." Joan babbled.

"You know what... Sure. I'm going to my Office." Jack took a different turn and ended up at his office.

Finally getting to his desk, he took the Jar from his side and put it on the desk and sat down propping his head with one hand.

"So...?" Joan asked, almost excitedly. She could be of help, even before getting a body!

"Let's get the big part out of the way. I died."

"We have all died, haha" Joan laughed.

"I remember dying twice, but it could be more..."


"I don't think I've only died just these times... I think I might have died several times, and I'm just passing through again... I've quoted not too long ago, that the Wheel of Death has spun many times for me... I'm beginning to think it might be more times than I knew... But that's out of the way."

"... That's a bit hard to swallow..."

"Yeah, think how I feel." Jack continued, as he waved his left hand in the air.

"So, this time here I am... I have no memory of what happened before I woke up in my entombment here in Deagoth, as The Holy Witch King. I'm sure you know better than to repeat what I've said."


"I'm glad... I don't want to have to destroy such a fine tool."

"You don't have to worry, my God-King. I exist now only to serve you."

"As I was saying, I had no idea... What I do remember is for a fact, I was lonely. Very very lonely."

"Hmmmm... Death... Death can make a soul lonely." Joan said with a rough morose voice.

"You too?"

"I might not have remembered my imprisonment, but I could still feel... I feel boundless madness... and endless loneliness... It still hurts, but I'm sure it gets better, right?"


"Oh... Well, thanks for that!" Joan said slightly unhappy.

"I'm just not in the mood to lie. I have two consorts... In fact, they are my greatest happiness, but also my greatest problems."

"...? How is that possible...?"

"When I first got out of entombment... It never occurred to me, that I might have had someone that was interested in me. So... I found the first lady I liked and made her consort."

"Well, that was stupid! I mean! FORGIVE ME, MY GOD-KING!!" Joan roared.

"No. There is nothing to forgive. You can speak your mind, and I will not punish you for it. It was indeed stupid..."