The Breach into Death

The skies above Saigunrai flashed with Lightning. Cracks and peels of thunder rumbled continuously, as if without end. Even after the residents were informed that it was the God-King at work, they huddled in their homes taking shelter praying. Many didn't have the courage to look outside their homes.

Verruca stood on the north gate wall, as one of the best places to view the city. She looked to the nexus forming over the Holy Palace.

[He didn't call for me...] Verruca knitted her brows slightly.

[But... Just what kind of ritual are you performing, Jack?]


Leslie just completed her briefing with her Agents of the Silent Scream. She heeded Jack's words. In her time with Jack, she found that he had an uncanny ability to predict things. She didn't know if he was able to see the future, or just felt the lay lines in the Light or some other mystical art she didn't know.

Hearing the cracks of Lightning outside, she slowly came to a window to look out.

She frowned as she looked at the clouds in the sky that were briefly illuminated by the Skull of the Sun Skull and the constant flashing.

[Jack... Just where are you getting this body from???] Leslie too questioned in her mind.


Emily was sitting at her desk in her new room provided, now that she was a Consort, though she stayed within very little since she began sleeping in Jack's tomb...

As she studied the Formula making notes, she marveled at some of the interactions. She continuously wondered how Jack's living tome could conjure such a formula!

[I'm going to have to get a higher-ranked Alchemist to help me with this... This is just too incredible.] Emily thought to herself, as a crack of thunder rattled her window panes.

Emily looked out to see the lightning flashing, [What's going on today? Is Jack doing something again?] She wondered as she got up from her desk to go look for Lucius. He should know more alchemist to help, maybe the Kingdom had a royal alchemist like Neolith...


Jack's outstretched hands pulsed with radiating power that gave a golden hue to everything surrounding him.

He felt astonished and wondered why so much was going on, as when he connected to the Light, it wasn't this big of a deal.

After a few moments, seven lightning bolts in the sky formed an electric heptagon above him, as they broke the shape and headed to the center formation. They stroke down one after the other.

Jack knew the next step, as his body shuddered. He wondered if this was what Leslie felt when she gained her Banshee form... He would ask.

From Jack's bones, golden light shined as it flooded the area with Light. Eris looked on but was blinded by the radiance, as she continued to look in vain even at the possible cost of her vision.

Jack's right hand and arm ripped from his body, as it began to expand exponentially as it moved up into the sky.

Just as Jack's god hand reached into the sky, he grappled into the air, as if he was holding onto something. Something that no one in the kingdom that had the courage to watch knew was...

Jack's left arm followed, and the strange scene of two gigantic golden god arms both holding onto some invisible object in the clouds of the sky appeared. It would look even more strange if they saw these enormous arms extended from the Normal body of the God-King.

Jack twisted his god hands to the side, as he pulled them as hard as he could. His body began to rattle as he put more force into it.

In the cloudy sky, the backs now faced each other, as Jack pulled with all his might. As he pulled, a rip in the sky could be seen. A terrifying baleful light shown from this tear in the sky shined down in a dark light. It illuminated and bathed the city in a pale blackish-purple hue. Undead that before had the courage to look felt sharp pains in their minds as they looked on... Those with lower cultivations now had to look away from this new development.

Jack finally enlarged the tear to accommodate his next move.

With another shake of his body, from the top of his crown emerged his increasingly enlarged God-Skull. He let go of the tear, as it stayed in place, as his form slide into the rip.

From below, those with the power could see the pelvis of the God-King in the sky, as the rest of his form entered into the void tear.

Verruca on her gate looked in astonishment at the development, [He doesn't have any shame, showing his ass to the world.] She facepalmed but didn't look away.

The light flood subsided, as Eris looked up to see the golden pelvis of the God-King in the clouds, [It's just like in my dreams!] She thought to herself, but it was unknown if she dreamed of this moment or dreamed of simply seeing the God-King's pelvis...

Jack's God-Form breached into the Plane of Death, as his skull rose through the void tear into the Plane. His flaming eyes and golden radiance that now shined on his back brought light to the infinite dark of the plane.

Jack looked around as he was horrified by what he saw. He had braced himself for what a place like the Plane of Death would be like... but this...

He saw endless... Countless... bodies... parts... bones... fields, for kilometers on with no end! Everybody was nude, and there were no other things here but dead. No blood, no other fluids... No water, and no light. It was silent except the continuous pattering sick dull thudding sound of fleshy bodies landing upon each other. There was no sky he could see, and no stars beyond. He couldn't see where these bodies came from... It was either because his light didn't shine far enough to see, or there wasn't anything. Jack felt like he didn't want to know.

It was bodies and parts on bodies and parts. Heaps and mountain ranges formed from the countless cadavers. What Jack first thought was rain was more dead falling from the sky landing on top of the old bodies to form a new layer.

Jack had no idea how deep the dead went, or even if it had a bottom to this realm. Now fully emerged into the Plane of Death bodies were raining down on him. Jack quickly made the void rip around him smaller, least these bodies leak into his world... He had no idea if that would cause any issues, but he didn't want to find out.

Jack didn't feel sick from what he saw but horrified that such a place existed. Thankfully this feeling only occurred for a few seconds before he shook his head, to clear his thoughts. After all... He saw dead bodies on the daily, considering that his entire kingdom, him included, where made of walking dead.

He brushed off some of the cadavers from his shoulders as if brush off dust sending the bodies flying into the dark beyond his light.

Jack then lifted his hand into the air and drew the same diagram he had before. The two formations connected between the Plane of Death and his down below. It lit up with a glow of power, and a beam of light shot through the darkness beyond.

[Crap... I have to follow that...] Jack said, as he decided his task.

His upper body enlarged again, increasing to radicicolous proportions, as he lifted his right arm to follow the trail of light given by the formation he set. This trail would lead to his target.

Jack's arm crossed countless leagues of dead fields. He could see as he followed his hand with his sight the countless dead. Creatures that he had never seen or heard of were illuminated by his light, while the most common of all dead where... Human looking bodies, though they came in many different shapes and sizes.

[Is that a wolfman's body?] Jack saw some interesting details as his eyesight traveled along with his hand.

Abruptly, his hand met resistance. It was like an invisible wall that blocked his way.

[This must be the barrier that Tux spoke of... Well easy does it...]

Jack pushed against this barrier ever so slightly, until... CRACK!

[Shit....] Jack shattered the veil between his plane of death and one of the adjacent world's...

[I really hope this isn't going to bite me in the ass later...] Jack thought, and then wanted to cry, [I really need to stop throwing up damn flags!]

Jack decided he had enough, as the bodies were piling upon his arm and around him. No amount of brushing them off stopped them from piling up again from the corpse rain.

Jack finally found the end of the beam now that he was able to cross the veil. He found that the beam went deep into a large cadaver mountain.


Jack reached into the mountain, as he tried to gently move around. After a few moments, he found his target.

He gently grasped it, and pulled it from under the mountain, and brought it back quickly.

He opened his hand to see the body he pulled. It looked exactly like he imagined. He mentally frowned when several bodies from the corpse rain fell into his hand.

Jack carefully plucked the other bodies, and shield his hand, until he was able to close it again.

Jack took one last look around... In the illuminated darkness, he saw something that caught his eye. He took his left hand and quickly covered the corpse to prevent other cadavers from piling on top of it.

As he gazed at it, he saw it was the corpse of an enchanting female. He felt an unexplained drawing to this corpse. He looked at its face and had never seen it in his life or unlife, and knew it wasn't someone he knew. It had a classic Roman face with full lips, and a tranquil expression, as if the corpse was only sleeping. It from the rib cage up was fleshy, including the arms, with an above-average bust size but shapely in nature bosom, but from the rib cage down was all skeletal. Its skin was a pretty pale blue, at least Jack thought it was a pretty pale blue color.

Perhaps this corpse died in something like flesh-eating acid, so only half the body was skeletal, Jack wondered.

What struck Jack most was that this corpse had a head of long thick spider webbed hair... He wasn't sure it was actually spider webbing or was true hair, but it looked damn close to Emily's. Jack looked around and seen no other skeleton like it. He was even more impressed that it was a complete corpse atop a pile of other bones and bodies.

[Spider web hair... This can't be a coincidence.]

Jack took his left hand and reached over and took the body, before descending back down from where he came.