The Time for War is Now

Jack floated down to the large group of undead in the center of the city. They looked up, to see the golden hue surrounding the God-King in simple robes. He was holding the first Consort of Deagoth, as he neared landing, he floated a few meters from the ground, and his consort touched ground, while he, himself, remained in the air.

The undead collectively rang out in an uproar of passionate praise, begging, and some of the more brave undead in anger... Scolding. Even while this happened, everyone present dropped to a knee, and the more faithful prostrated on the ground praying in earnest.

Jack listened to them all chatter at the same time and found he could understand most of them...

[It seems listening to the maddened chatter of voices in my mind allows me to understand this noisy place.] Jack thought within his mind, as he looked over everyone.

Jack thought for a moment, and then rose higher into the air, as his voice boomed through the City.

"Citizens of Saigunrai, Children of Deagoth, Servants of the God-King... Draw from your places, look to me above, and hear my words!"

As his heroic voice echoed in the streets and places throughout the city, all the undead within the remaining homes, shelters, and all places filled the streets, as they looked above the building tops and ruins of others to see the vivid light of the God-King.

The City Guards and Military roused from the voice looked from the walls, and from the streets. Warmarshall Verruca, Chaoshood, and Frostgard look to the sky with their charge, as all that witnessed the God-King kneeled or prostrated.

Jack hummed a holy hymn, as a golden light arced around him, and condensed into a set of golden robes and golden pauldrons. It appeared to be a solid gold set of his Royal garbs. In his right hand, he extended and in the light, it condensed into a golden version of his Femur Ferula, and in his left hand considered a book.

Now with his solemn and holy appearance, he began.

Jack looked around to see that many many undead were ready to hear his word. He looked down to see Leslie staring up at him with love and affection, in her eyes.

Jack nodded, as he began to speak, "Today... Today, we were attacked by an independent Cultivator, named 'The Mountain Ape Hermit.' His Cultivation was Ancestor Ranked..." He left his words to hang in the air over the city, as they echoed causing many of the undead to understand more of what happened, and severed from the fear of now knowing how powerful the foe was...

"For attacking my Kingdom, harming my people, and destroying my city... I sentenced him to true death, and I carried out my charge."

All the undead rattled and sweated, skeletal and zombie respectively. Ancestor ranked... Killed... This showed the might of their God-King!

"While independent, what stops the next enemy of the Kingdom to attack? Who will it be? Independent? Country? Or otherwise?" The words of the God-King buzzed in their ears and minds of all the undead present.

Emily, Lucius, Julia, Stephanie, Sarah, Joan, Eris along with the Officials, and Clan heads of the City looked out of their windows or stepped outside to hear this sudden address.

"I would like to take a moment to address the unfaithful... I have heard once before what is an undead to a God... But then they counter... What is a God to a Non-believer...? It isn't just the might of a God you face, but the MIGHT OF THE LEGIONS OF BELIEVERS OF THAT GOD YOU FACE!" Jack's voice rumbled like thunder in the skies, as the Glowstones cracked and golden sparks issued forth, though light they still provided.

Jack's tone turned to solemn anger, as he lowered his voice to a dull rumble, as the Glowstone of the City flickered like candles in the wind, "For too long, have I been Merciful! TOO LONG! I have pardoned Our enemies and allowed them to do as they please. I have been merciful... And this mercy has punished my people, my kingdom, my loved ones... TOO LONG! But no longer... No longer still will I be merciful to my enemies. Mercy to my enemies is punishment to my people. I will no longer punish my people..."

All the undead that rattled, and sweated, those that chattered and whispered went silent...

"I will no longer tolerate my enemies... Our enemies. They sit outside my light and pace back and forth to plot on me and mine. They plot on my people; they plot on you." Jack pointed to where the Sun Skull used to reside.

"See there, as I point! They have stolen Our Light. My Light. They took the symbol of my Great City, and they laugh, as they believe they have gotten away... But I will now only show mercy to my people... Not to Our enemies."

Jack hummed a hymn, as he raised his hands upward... A giant ball of light formed, as it grew to the proportions of the Sun Skull. Jack then flicked his wrists, as he sent it to land where the Sun Skull resided.

"This is my light! My Light may never be stolen by the Heretic! My Light may never be stolen by the abomination! My light may never be stolen by Schismatic!"

The God-King's zealous speech rumbled long in the air, as those that were looking down, looked up to see the radiance of the God-King expanding in the sky, and feel the light of his sun cascading down.

In the illumination of the new light to the City, they all believe his words. Even those not of the faithful... The believed too...

"Never again! Never again will I wait in my city and allow Heretics to bust down Our doors of Righteousness and Mercy! Never again will I sit idly by while the Abominations profane my name and smear my people's faith! NEVER AGAIN WILL I TOLERATE THE SCHISMATIC!"

The God-King's anger and passionate speech drove many undead to clench their fists, with Skeletal undead's hands issuing popping sounds as the bones squeezed, and Zombie undead's hands bleed from the fists they made. Many had their eyes lift and with adoration and worship.


Silence ensued, but only all the undead to erupt with howling cheers, zealous chanting, and incoherent praying! Mothers of children silently wept for the war to come, but stern expressions were formed on their faces, as they held their children. Father's continued to kneel, but with a straighter back. Many were ready to walk out of the city and go to war right now! They only needed to be pointed in the right direction!

"SO TODAY! I ask... I ask to restore this city to show that We will not lay down and will not go quietly. We will build a new city! A new city unlike any before or since! A City of War! A City named Bellum! With me here today! We will clean up this city, and We will begin building Bellum. I ask those that wish to stay... Stay... I ask those willing to build. Build... For tomorrow... Tomorrow, the great war beast that is Deagoth sets its eyes on her enemies!

The undead of Saigunrai was wiped into such a frenzy, that they didn't know what needed to be done first. It was if stimulates or haste spells were cast on every Citizen.

"For now! With the help of your God-King, we will clean this city, and supplies must be gathered! Recovery. Listen to the City Guards, listen to Soldiers of the kingdom, listen to my command..."

Jack then reached out with his hands and squeezed them together, as many drops of gold fluid dripped and began to form endless amounts of Golden Angel of Death Cherubs. They swarmed the City, as they began to move stone, bone, and Glowstone.

Jack mentally messaged his Warmarshalls and instructed them to carry out cleaning. He then headed down to help clean. He moved the largest pieces with his large golden God-Arms, that reached form his body. Picking up the pieces and flying to a makeshift landfill on the outskirts of the city where the Military was sorting the reusable materials.

The People seeing their God-King lowering himself to perform work with them lifted their spirits and drove them harder to work!

Leslie smiled as she watched Jack helping clean the City. Only she knew he was doing this to increase the speed of recovered. She contacted her handmaidens, and in a rare show left the Holy Palace to help with the recovery.

Lucius, after hearing Jack's speech, was filled with enough righteous anger, he thought he might pick up a weapon and go to battle himself! Of course, his saner mind prevailed, as he directed the clergy to aid the people. They provided food and drink to the Zombie Undead and makeshift resting areas for the homeless.

Under the command of Lucius, Grand Minister of the faith of the God-King... Scribes hastily jotted down the words of the God-King. Lucius personally mentally messaged each Relay station to send the word of the God-King to each Archbishop.

The words their God-King spoke today... All must know it.

In a matter of three days... The entire Kingdom of Deagoth undergone a change of attitude. Grit could be seen in their work and righteous anger in their chests. Many young undead would visit the local Military offices to sign up for service forming long lines that stretched and curved with a serpent-like suggestion.

Aid was sent from the other Cities back to Saigunrai... It seemed that the time for war had come.