Mark felt a few ribs cracking and his right femur showed a hairline fracture, as he looked through the wholes of the two buildings, he produced in his crashing descent. One could see that his left ice horn was broken off halfway, giving him a haggard look with his tattered gentleman's clothes.

Mark got to his feet, with his left arm holding his rib cage, afraid that his ribs would completely break, as he used his right arm to brush off the dust on him. He made a sharp sound as he put pressure on his right leg.

[This feels so much better when I'm not the one being slapped around.] Jack thought while pleased it wasn't his turn again to be sent crashing around, as was done to him previously.

Jack raised his hand to remove the wreckage of one of the falling buildings and again put it on the outskirts of the city, in an attempt to save more unlives and clean up. This wasn't without the Undead of Borda noticing, with some sending prayers and others deciding that they would, indeed, pilgrimage to the new City called Bellum.

After clearing the pile, he turned back to face mark, half expecting to be met with more ice lances.


Jack noticed that he couldn't find Mark, nor could he sense him.

All the Glowstone within Bineham shined brighter for a moment before they dulled...

[Where the hell did he go???] Jack looked around the City, as his form loomed over. The undead he lorded over, shuddered as his gaze passed by... Some of these undead did not like the God-King, but they did respect the power he was currently wielding, thus none called out.

With the sounds of the fighting momentarily paused, an uneasy silence took ahold of the seaside city.

[This can't be right... The bad guy always talks shit before he runs away...] Jack deduced in his mind, as he looked below him to still a female zombie undead half laying on the ground with an anxious look.

[I take that to be his woman. If I recall, that should be his wife, eeer... Janet. Yeah, Janet. Leslie spoke of her... Isn't she supposed to be some princess???] Jack was trying to remember some of the things Leslie told him previously after some sensual soul-bonding, but his mind at the time had been riffled by other things.

[I don't think he would just leave her if he was that much in love with her.] Jack thought some more, as he straightened his large form back up from his glancing posture.


Mark at the edge of the City to the Northwest on the opposite shore of the Ice Ugly Lake, he crouched in the darkness staring at the colossus, which was the God-King of Deagoth searching for him.

[...It seems I will have to be the one to destroy this town... In the end, I'll grab Janet and make off...] Mark concluded, as his previous plan with his ancestor fell through, as he placed his hand down on the soft dank muddy bank of the lake, as he began his complicated ritual.

In a low voice, "Ymir, the grandfather of old, with his world as his back, and blood as these lakes and river, Ice Giant, the pre-"

Jack grew nervous noticing that nothing was happening, [Crap... It's been enough time for him to prepare something... Haaaa~ I'm not good with smart guys... Why couldn't just keep attacking like that monkey man...]

Jack heard a voice from below him, as he looked down again into that pit to see that the one that should be called Janet was yelling to him.

He began to lean over to listen to this wife of Mark.



The frigid waters of Ice Ugly Lake turned even more extreme in nature, as the vast lake froze over. A complete glacier was formed, as the ice cracked and folded. It broke, in places, and then folded over, as if a shifting shape of geometric patterns converged on Mark.

The Ice of the lake encased him, as he hoisted him into the air, and the remaining ice continued its patterns of braking and reforming taking on the shape around the Ice care of Mark, as just that... A rib cage. This followed by forming the rest, with each break of the ice flows ice crystals leaving snow in the wind.


"So, all this is to cure you of your birth defect?" Jack asked Janet, as he summed up his conversation.

Janet looked down at the broken floor of the lair and nodded, with tears in her eyes, "I only know so much because Mark told me most of it... Honestly, I don't remember much since he said he failed the last ritual to fix me. Said I died and lost my memories."

"...That hits too close to home..." Jack nodded his large head a few times.

"You lost your memories, too?"

"I- Hmmmm?" Jack stopped before answering, to see a large white looking skeleton rising to the northwestern area... It seemed to be spawning from the Lake that laid there.

[Must be Mark.] Jack thought to himself.

"Can't you both just put aside your problems? I don't want Mark to be hurt anymore." Janet cried out.

Jack looked down again, as he was about to quickly speak- "CRACK!"

A large black ice fist collided with Jack's skull producing snow in its wake.

He was knocked back into the buildings of Bineham, as he smashed them, it was unknown how many undead met their true death, as he laid among the rubble with his waist still connected to the Skull of the Sun God.

[...] Faster than he expected Jack got back up from his position, he noticed that this giant frost skeleton in front of him had ice horns just like Mark, perhaps an Ice Demon's skeleton's appearance.


Another solid left Jab issued forth from the Ice Demon Statue, before being caught by Jack's luminescent right hand.

"Mark, listen to me for j-"

Crack! While the Ice Demon Statue's left fist was held, a right body blow was sent against Jack's rib cage.

"..." It wasn't that Jack couldn't feel pain in his true form, but it took a lot to cause it... It just so happened that Mark pressed the right button.

Jack snatched the left fist to him, as his right hand grab the Ice Demon Statues left elbow, and with a growl, Jack unleashed as much force has he could, with a solid city shaking splintering explosion, he snapped off the left forearm of the Ice Demon Statue, spraying ice shards over the city, destroying many more homes, markets, and stores.

"YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SNOW FLEA ON THE NUTS OF YMIR!" Jack yelled in fury, as his voice shook the lands surrounding, and was heard all the way through the Borda Cities of Midbalmou, Darbrore, and Deagoth's own City of Sufenron!

Raising the Ice arm and fist of the Ice Demon Statue high into the air, scraping the roof of the Underworld sending rocking remains of the ceiling crashing down before the arm and fist club was brought low upon his foe.

With immense earth sundering sound, the Ice Demon Statue was knocked down to the side, crushing many more buildings underneath him, as a muffled groan was issued forth from the icy titan.

Another slam of the, now frozen maul, was brought down again.


BOOM! Another blow.


BAM! Another blow.


DAM! Another blow.



"YOUR GOD!!!!"


The Frozen lake waters of the fist and arm of the Ice Demon Statue could take no more blunt force trauma as it shattered over the battered snowy body of the Ice Demon Statue.

Jack tossed the shattered remaining ice in his hand to the winds, as it dissolved into nothing over the Lava sea to the east.

As Jack was to reach out again for this broken ice statue, as a cry was heard over the sounds of the city's panic and the remains of the crumbling buildings.

"STOP IT!!!!!" After which a distressed female's cry was issued forth by Janet.