Enigmatical Pursuit

Doctor Hollowell cackled with the insanity that would leave many left within the hall disturbed. Many present among those left, such as the clergy, knew of the good Doctor, and seeing what she had turned into within this last year made many wonder exactly what happened to her. Better yet, what was she working on that would drive her to madness?

"Doctor Hollowell, I wish to laugh, as well. The news and orders I just delivered didn't leave much for me to smile about, so any humor you can QUICKLY provide to me would be most appreciated." Jack turned back and took a few steps back.

"Hahaha, So sorry my God-King. It's just you will love this news. I've done it! I have integrated the liquid Glowstone into the test subjects!" Doctor Hollowell spoke with relish, as she hugged her own body as if she was in pleasure.

"Oh? This bodes well. Don't leave this god hanging. What is the outcome?" Jack's voice took a sharp upbeat in tone, as he flexed his upper muscles that rippled.

The good Doctor panted a bit, as she then looked over those present. She had learned much in her time, as of recent, that the great wonders she performed were looked down upon... Even cursed. She had come to the conclusion that only the God-King could appreciate her work.

Jack noticed her look and understood what she was indicating.

He turned to look at everyone to order, "Everyone disperse and prepare. Pope Lucius, please find accommodations for Our Guest Mark and his Wife." Lucius nodded, as he rose to wave a clergy member over, as he spoke to him his orders.

Jack then looked to Mark, "We didn't exactly finish Our... Talk. We must do that if We succeed in preventing the end."

Mark nodded, though slowly.

"Guest Mark... Relax while you are here. I plan to help with what it is you desire most, so you will have time later to rampage if you wish, though I hope you won't." Jack finished, as Mark listened, but didn't act on any words or make any comments. He simply stood and walked behind his wife.

"Are you ready, dear?" Mark asked softly.

"Yes... My husband." Janet answered in return, in a whisper.

Mark hated he didn't have his flesh to smile, but only he knew how happy he was in this moment, as he pushed Janet's wheelchair to where Pope Lucius was commanding his clergy. Princess Violet followed behind Mark. Jack noticed that she looked quickly at him, and then through a haughty action, turned her skull up at him.

Jack's lips curved slightly at the edges at this princess's behavior. Leslie turned to look over her shoulder at the, now, departing Mark, Janet, and Violet. She wrinkled her brow, as her eyes followed Violet; after a moment, her eyes narrowed at the edges.

Jack then looked to his three wives, "Would you three wish to follow me to see what the good Doctor has in store for the future?"

"Wherever you are, I will be there." Leslie turned back to look at Jack, with a slightly darkened hue to her face, a blush of the dead upon her face.

"...Will there be food?" Emily asked, after a moment of thought.

"I'm unsure, actually. We will have to ask the Doctor if anything is eatable when We get to her lab. I guess it's her lab." Jack thought as he rubbed his chin, in his usual way, though he was bristling an unshaven chin, instead of bone.

"Eat?" The doctor looked to Emily, and noticed for the first time, the adult form of Emily. "Oh? You are different. I might want to check you when we get down to my lab if you are willing."

"If you got something to eat, maybe." Emily put her hands on her hips.

Jack looked at Eris.

Eris noticing Jack's gaze, lowered her head, "I am but a pet. I heel when you call."

"Good. You three follow me with the Doctor." Jack nodded, as he looked up to Crag, "Offical Crag, Please use some of your resources with Pope Lucius to spread the word on Borda."

"Umm, Oh. Gottcha Boss." Crag rose from his seat, as he left quickly. His buzz left far behind, and even his polite response, at least polite for Crag, indicated his feelings currently.

Jack and the four walked into his dressing room, through the doors of the Holy Entrance.

Lucius watched as Doctor Hollowell exited with Jack, and shook his head. Perhaps today wasn't a day to stand on ceremony, as the Doctor should have taken the side hall. She should have never been able to walk next to the God-King and his wives. He then turned to continue issuing orders.

Inside the dressing room, Jack turned to look at the four that followed, as he spoke, "I'm going to feed my pet quickly. Leslie. Emily. Can you accompany the good Doctor outside for a few minutes?"

Leslie nodded and smiled to Eris, as she held her hand out to Doctor Hollowell. The Doctor was surprised for a moment but took her hand. Emily bounced over, and the three walked out into the hallway of the Palace, as the doors closed behind them.

Jack looked over to Eris who was fidgeting in place, as he smiled.

"You read some of the tome, didn't you." Jack continued to smile.

"I... Ummm... Yes." Eris lowered her head.

"You went against what I told you to do when I went to my Golden Throne... Why?" Jack asked as he folded his arms.

"I... I want... I didn't... But!"

Jack cleared his throat, as it echoed inside the large dressing room, his back to the wall of mirror. Eris could see her reflection within the mirror, as she stared back at herself.

She straightened her back, as she finally spoke, "I wanted to learn something."

"And you thought you could find it from that tome? Is it because you know what that tome is?"


"How do you know of THAT tome?" Jack asked with his arms still folded, and his voice rumbled.

"My... Well, my mother was well-read."

"Interesting. Just where can you find information on the Historia Mortis?"

"I-I... I'm not really sure. I just know what she told me."

"Eris," Jack stated, but in the ears of Eris, sounded to be more of a command.


"Was your mother a prophet?"

Eris looked to Jack with a shocked face that quickly took a complex expression.

"I see." Jack nodded.

"This makes more sense to me now. The fact you aren't telling me everything, tells me that there is more here than I know."

Eris quickly looked to the ground, as if it was the most interesting floor she had ever seen in her life.

"You married me on her prophecy, I assume. I wonder just how much she told you." Jack unfolded his arms, as he walked to the middle of the room, and use his large hand to gently push up Eris' face to gaze upon him.

"Eris... Whatever devious plans you have in store, you are still my wife. You must know, that I have lived, died, come back, died, and so forth... In many of those lives and unlives, I only wished for one woman. In my last life... I forgot, and then dreamed of a harem of women... To come to my senses, and decided on only one again... I tell you this, that I was put into a position that required me to have more than one wife... And you forced me into taking you as my third wife."

A slight glisten at the corner of Eris's eyes threatened to spill tears.

"It seems that this dark secret dwells deep within your soul, Eris." Jack continued to look in Eris' eyes. That ever-present madness that was surrounded by an ocean of sorrow... Self-loathing, and a sense of tiredness.

"I see." Jack moved his hand to cup Eris' face and leaned down to meet her lips. Eris stiffened, before giving in and sucking on those lips that pressed against hers. It wasn't but a moment, that Eris' hands found their way around Jack's broad shoulders, and her tongue found it's way past Jack's lips.

Jack watched Eris as she closed her eyes, and he allowed her tongue to invade his mouth. He, in turn, used his tongue, though clumsily to explore Eris' mouth seemingly in pursuit of something.

With a tug on her fang, Eris' eyes snapped open as she stared deeply into Jack's, as her mouth flooded with the sweet warm taste of Jack's blood. Completing his mission as he sliced his tongue on Eris' fang, between the two pairs of lips a trickle of blood rolled down that shined with light but seemed to drink what was left of the remaining illuminance... Emboldened by the rising heat in her stomach, Eris greedily sucked on Jack's lips and drew more of that sweet nectar that was Jack's saliva and blood.

She wanted nothing more than to forget her mother... Her mission... All the prophecies, and all the choices he would have to make in the future... She only wanted this taste, and to be his pet... Why must she be the one to end the malady... Two tears finally spilled that shined with a golden luster as they rolled down Eris' perfect face.