First Bishop's words

The major of Dypilme patted the black sweat that ran down his forehead, "President Rottensong has already declared for us to not engage this god-king character... I don't s-"

The head of the major fell from his neck, "The church has no time for ignorance." A hooded figure turned his back on the major and walked out of his office with a gimp and a cane.

"Your orders, First Bishop." A row of priests of the three gods lined up, each with a robe inscribed with three eyes in a triangle.

The First Bishop nodded his head and reached out with his skeletal hand to rub the face of the first clergy.

"How long have you been with me now, Stultus? The first Bishop held the larger zombie undead's face like a child.

"Twelve years since I was adopted, First Bishop." The zombie undead known as Stultus responded.

"It has been rough on you, and it seems that today, your life is needed... I'm sorry my child." The First Bishop withdrew his hand.

"Don't be First Bishop..."

"Child, an undead's life is long... and you have only seen it for forty years... Too short..." The First Bishop shook his head, and asked his next question, "Is it done?"

"Reporting to the First Bishop, We control Dypilme, and the Barrier is ready to erect at any time."

The First Bishop nodded, "Perhaps if we lived in another time, we could be at peace... But with the way things are... There can only be war until there is the end."

"It doesn't matter, First Bishop." Stultus smiled, as he mentally messaged the rest of his clergy to start the ritual to erect the barrier to protect the City of Dypilme from the Tyrant-King.

"Yes... It indeed does not matter when the bubble pops." The First Bishop nodded again, as if he agreed with his own word, "Then it no longer matters, it seems you learned the truth before I even had the chance to enlighten you."

A series of steps and robes pulled the First Bishop from his thoughts, as he witness his flock setting out for their charge.

"Then let it be done." The First Bishop gimped along with his cane, as Stultus pulled out a black dagger from his robes. It gleamed in the Glowstone's light, as its blade appeared to be made of some obsidian gemstone, and emitted a type of dripping darkness.

With Dagger in hand, Stultus pointed it at his face, clenched, and then stoved the dagger into his left eye socket. Surrounding Stultus, the remaining clergy plunged similar daggers into their own eyes...

It was as if time paused briefly, before starting again... Stultus fell to his knees, as he roared to the ceiling of the major's office building as if he was staring into the 'stars' of the Underworld... A baleful black light emitted from his Right eye, as his zombie form withered quickly, before turning to dust... The dark light combined with those let off by the quickly succumbing clergy, and pierced through the Office building, and into the skies over Dypilme...

This baleful light turned into a dome that covered the entirety of the port city.

As the First Bishop exited the major's office, he saw the dark barrier protect the city.

Shaking his head a bit, he spoke in a low brief mumble, "Nothing means anything unless you give it meaning... I hate that Stultus meant something to me when nothing matters."

He hobbled along the deserted road of Dypilme. All citizens had already heard of the invasion from Deagoth. Many wondered who pissed off that thing that use to live at the Border of Borda, that Idol of Slaughter must be coming...

The First Bishop looked up to see that the so-called 'Floating Fortress' was just above his head.

"Alright, Tyrant-King... It has been long enough, let's see if you can break this barrier... Soon... Very soon, We can cast off this curse of existence... This sick joke of life."

Many of the Church of the Three God's warriors stations around the city, and those that were arming ballistae.

"Soon, so very soon, the dead tide will come in, the goat will be sacrificed, Death will rage, Life will cry, Decay will be sad, and the Messenger... The Messengerwill laugh, as The 'Bubble will Pop.'" The First Bishop pulled back his hood to reveal his skeletal face. In each of his eye sockets grew pulsing fungi. A smile hung in his words, as they floated into the cities' nightline.

"So very soon..."


"We have confirmed with visuals, the port city of Dypilme has deployed a massive barrier!" An undead darted into the command chambers of the Floating Fortress known as Last Kiss.

Jack rose a brow, this time not so mentally, as it showed on his face.

Seeing the God-King's expression, Joan barked out, "What type of barrier? Do the eggheads know anything?!"

The undead officer of the Spellslinger legion quickly snapped to attention in the heavy pressure applied by the leading Warmarshal... Not because she was a Warmarshal, but because he knew of her history... The Butcherer had set its eyes on him, and it made him squirm. If the good Warmarshal did this to him, it was no wonder when he saw the expression of the God-King he felt his mind turn white... If not for the Warmarshal's bark, his soul might have left his soul space and died on the spot.

"Reporting to the commanding Warmarshal, it appears to be the Church of the Three God's Domain of Sacrifice!"

Verruca stepped forward and volunteered, "For those that don't know, the Domain of Sacrifice is a very powerful barrier magic. It sacrifices an undead's immortal lifespan to build a barrier of pure arcane energy."

This was a technique that had stopped her advances on Borda many times. While it did cost the Church of Three God's powerful members each time it was used, they could just raise more to replace them.

"Like a rot turtle, they will not show their head too soon..." Verruca spat with her sing-song voice... Even in anger, her angelic voice lifted those aboard the command.

Stephanie Chaoshood nodded as if saying that Verruca spoke the truth.


"Sixty hours and thirty-two minutes and counting to seventy-two."

"I'm not sure how many Knight-rank Cultivators were sacrificed for this barrier, but thinking they would use the most possible, then this barrier should stop a King-Ranked Cultivator for at least three days," Verruca spoke with some reluctance, as this wasn't good information...

"I don't have time for thi-" Jack spoke before Joan appeared before his vision with a smile...

Jack narrowed his eyes, as he tranced Joan's face as if to etch it into his memory, "Yes, Warmarshal Joan."

"I can crack this arcane barrier... Allow me to be the first to this battle!" Joan cackled.

Jack smiled stretched a bit too far on his face for a normal human, as he asked, "You think you can do it?"

"Please, please my God-King. Let me prove myself! Also, this city and I have much history. It would be only right for me to herald your coming!" Joan spoke quickly as if it was all one word.

Jack nodded, perhaps he could resolve all of this without lifting a finger.

[It would be good if I didn't have to exert this body... I feel this 'gift' isn't quite what I expected it to be.] Jack's mind felt more whole than ever, but he found that he was acting in ways that didn't feel... 'Him.'

"Warmarshal Joan, see it be done."

"Thank you, my God-King..." Joan bowed, and turned to walk out of the command room, "Open the 'Gates' of the Last Kiss! All Warbreakers meet me at the threshold, Warmarshal's be ready to deploy when the barrier falls!"

Verruca trotted quickly to catch up to Joan, and in a low tone asked, "Wa-Warmarshal Joan, do you think you can do it?" Verruca knew that Joan was powerful, but this was the barrier powered by willing sacrificed souls! It was pure arcane energy!

"Verruca, Do you even know my clan name?" Joan spoke, as she walked the unfamiliar but clearly labeled pathways through the Floating Fortress to the 'Gates' of the Last Kiss.

"Doomcry... Oh... OH?!" Verruca came to an understanding...

"I'm sure I can destroy this barrier... Now, if I go out of control..." Joan stopped suddenly, causing Verruca with her massive form to collide with Joan. Surprisingly, Verruca stumbled back.

"I expect you to stop me."

"Wait, I-"

"Hold me in place long enough that the God-King can stop me."

"But, I don-"

"My weakness is the loss of control."

"Still, I-"

"Don't fight me head-to-head... Hit-and-run tactics. Evade my attacks, and lead me away from populated areas. This is the most important one!"

"Don't you-"

Joan grabbed Verruca by her arms and looked up into her face, "Don't let me just start killing those that don't need it. The God-King desires me to be his angel of death. I do not wish to spit upon his name. Promise me."




"Thank you, Verruca. Maybe when this is over you want to go back to my place and reap like hell isn't a real place?" Joan released her hands and smirked.

"I don't lik-"

"Well, we could always get a drink instead, just know the invitation is always open for a cutie like you." Joan turned her back, and resumed her quick pace to the 'Gates.'