She Dug Her Own Grave


Sun Qiyan arrived at her mother's manor as soon as she received the news on what happened to her mother's company. She was baffled with the recent events that she barely had time to check on her mother lately.

The Sun Corporation had face several problems lately after the president of the Shen Group announced their refusal to work with any companies affiliated with the Sun Corporation.

In just a week, Crystal Sun was completely destroyed that her mother was forced to file bankruptcy. She never thought that just by offending Lu Xinyi, her mother had to pay a prize and had dug her own grave.

Just who was Lu Xinyi to the Shen family that she got them to back her up? It was rumored that she was a woman of one of the Shen's young masters, but no one could prove this claim. She was both seen accompanying both brothers during the charity gala.