The Babysitter

Shen Xue was starting to regret the decision to take the twins with him for a day-out. He was really expecting that his brother and Big Sis would join them, but he didn't think that the two would ditch him to look after the children.

"Come on, Uncle Xue! They have a lot of games and rides over there!" Shen Zhichen exclaimed excitedly.

"Noooo...." Little Yuyan whined. "I want some caramel apples and ice cream. Please, Uncle?"

Shen Xue took a sniff of the food from the distance, smelling all sorts of sweets, barbecued meats, and the buttery scent of popcorn. The scent brought him to the early memories with Shen Yi when they were younger.

"Here. Wear these bracelets." Shen Xue gave the children two green bands that they needed to wear on their wrists. "Don't wander too far away from me so you won't get lost."