Your Secret Fantasy

Yuan Jin was setting up his camera as he called out Lu Xinyi's name. "Xinxin! Can you come here, please?"

Lu Xinyi sighed and walked over to him.

"What is it? You know this is ridiculous. I thought you already have a theme on your mind when I agreed to help you." She crossed her arms and pouted. They'd been trying different themes and poses, but Yuan Jin just couldn't get what he wanted!

He clapped his hand, and some of his people from the wardrobe came over.

"Change her dress. I think Flair Apparel sent us some from their new collection. I'm pretty sure you can find the right size for her," Yuan Jin said. A young woman stepped forward and checked her body measurement.

"Boss, I thought we're going to use Starlight Collection for this campaign? Did they reject your proposal?"

Yuan Jin shook his head. "No, I withdrew it." He heard from a reliable source that Sun Feiyan had bought Starlight recently. Of course, he wouldn't work with someone who had mal intent to his Xinxin!