Strip Tease

"We've finished the photo shoot, and Yuan Jin was happy with the results! Ah, he should be. Dancing like that made me feel like an old woman taking a ballet lesson from his choreographer."

Lu Xinyi laid on their bed and took a glance on the laptop set up beside her.

"When are you going home? I miss you."

On screen, Shen Yi let out a chuckle. After his meeting the other day, he was forced to do an inspection on one of their construction sites and hadn't been home since then. This was the first time they weren't together since they got married, and she was already missing him so badly.

"I'll be home soon," he promised. "How're the kids?"

He sounded like a father missing his own kids more than their mother. Lu Xinyi pouted.

"You miss the kids and not me? And here I thought you were missing me, too."