When Did You Become Such a Tease?

Lu Xinyi frowned. She couldn't understand how the heck she could get the right answer for this math problem. She'd never been good with numbers. She hated math as long as she could remember. She loved counting money though.

"Math, why don't you grow up and solve your own damn problems? Seriously, are you really a drama queen? You can't possibly have that many problems."

Her grip on her pencil tightened as she glared at her papers as if it had done a mortal sin to mankind. She was pissed that none of the answers she came up were even one of the choices.

"What are you complaining about now?" Shen Yi lifted his head from his work and looked at his wife who had plopped herself on the floor of their living room. She was wearing a white shirt and a pair of shorts, her hair carelessly tied in a ponytail. She was grumbling to herself while working on the math problems at their coffee table.

"Math problems."