My Dear Cousin, Sun Feiyan

While her husband was busy washing the dirty dishes, Lu Xinyi sat beside the counter, eating the saving grace for tonight's dinner, her favorite cheesecake. Although the chocolate ganache that Shen Yi made earlier was passable, she decided to use it tomorrow for another dessert she was thinking to make.

"Oh, Mr. Cheesecake. I told you we are meant to be. Now, I could have you all for myself," she said to herself as she dug in her cheesecake.

It was entertaining, to say at least, to see her husband doing a menial task such as washing the utensils and scrubbing the pan he'd used earlier. She was quite sure that people wouldn't believe her if she said that the almighty President Shen had been forced to do some household chores by his wife. It was all his fault anyway—might as well make up for his failed attempt.

"I didn't know you're close to Yuan Jin now," she teased. Shen Yi shivered but tried not to show it to his wife.