Mommy Isn’t a Cheater

Everyone was appalled by Lu Xinyi's action. They started saying mean words against her which disturbed the Shen twins.

"Daddy…" Little Yuyan's hands gripped Shen Yi's sleeve. Her trembling voice sought out her adoptive father's assurance.

Shen Yi's eyes showed the kind of gentleness he only gave his wife and these two children. He laid his hand lightly on Little Yuyan's head, running his fingers on her soft locks. The little girl was soothed by it. He slid down and kept his hand on her shoulder and whispered with a calming voice.

"Mommy Xinxin is brave. She knows what's she's doing. There are just people who don't know what they're talking about. You have to understand that sometimes, speaking nonsense was faster than thinking twice for other people."