Does My Wife Think I’m Fragile and Delicate?

As to why Lu Xinyi chose such a reward, it was for a simple reason. She remembered Yang Liqing mentioning once that the Mo siblings inherited Blue Haven Restaurant from their deceased uncle who raised the two of them.

All their life, they depended on Blue Haven for a living and hadn't tried looking for experiences outside of their small town. If Lu Xinyi won today, not only would she prove that Grace Palace was in good hands, but the Mo siblings would surely have a hard time finding another profession aside from cooking.

For this reason, Lu Xinyi had experienced to do jobs like bartending, serving as a waitress, and doing part-time store attendant before she met and married Shen Yi. Having skills and experience aside from cooking had given her the advantage to adjust to challenges life thrown on her way.

Would Mo Lihui do the same thing if she lost her job and could never cook again? She was just a young woman who didn't know the difference between love and infatuation.