He Haotian

Mo Lihui smoothed her skirt and glared at Lu Xinyi's small back. She couldn't understand why this woman dragged her to meet this mysterious chef that hadn't been seen in public for ages.

What was Lu Xinyi's trying to prove to her anyway? Wasn't it enough that people threw mocking gazes her way, whispering to each other how dumb she was for pursuing Shen Yi shamelessly in front of his wife?

Lu Xinyi stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Miss Mo has a pair of legs longer than mine. Does this mean that your body is weaker than mine? Do I need someone to fetch you and bring you up there?"

No one had mentioned to her that the inn He Haotian was staying was the one near the cliff next to the river. Had she known that she would need to spend an hour walking just to reach the inn, she would have dressed simply like Lu Xinyi.