
"Are you sure about your answers?" He Haotian stared at her list—his expression neutral, but his tone was a little playful as if teasing her. 

"I'm sure. I couldn't be wrong with my list." Lu Xinyi said with a confident smirk. 

She wasn't afraid that she guessed wrong. At most, the only thing that she wasn't confident was her ability to smell. Afterall, the sensation of taste—like all sensations—resides in the brain. 

The basic tastes of sweet, salty, and sour had different thresholds, or concentration levels, at which they could be detected. In other words, it was easier to detect some flavors at low concentrations compared with other flavors. These taste thresholds could vary from person to person. 

This simple test was also vital to know how Lu Xinyi's tongue could distinguish and how sensitive it was to flavors. From the looks of it, He Haotian could tell that Lu Xinyi maybe a 'supertaster'.