Didn’t You Say I Need My Own Bodyguards?

Lu Xinyi chewed her lower lip. She refused to think that she could not save them. If Shen Yi really deemed them dangerous for her safety, she could roughly guess what he would do with them. Was there no way out? She couldn't believe that there would be a day she would face such problems.

Moments later, an idea came to her mind. She just wasn't so sure if her husband would agree on it.

"Hubby, didn't you say I need my own bodyguards?"

"Lu Xinyi!" Shen Yi roared beside her. Lu Xinyi shrieked and stepped back while their bodyguards pretended that they didn't hear anything.

She was forced to cover the ears although it was too late because it hurt her eardrums.

"So loud! Do you really have to yell right beside my ears?!" she complained.

"Because you are talking nonsense again! You aren't taking this issue seriously!"