Do Tell What My Lovely Cousin Plan to Do With Me?

Lu Xinyi rolled on her right side with a groan. Her face scrunched up when the sunlight from their window hit it. Lifting an arm to cover her face from the light, she slowly opened her eyes and sat up as she clutched the blanket to cover her bare chest.

Golden light washed into their bedroom, indicating that the sun was up; and it's time for them to start their day. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the light. Beside her, Shen Yi was sleeping soundly. He was lying on his stomach with his right arm draped over her waist, keeping her stuck beside him.

"I'm going to be late!" she suddenly exclaimed, disturbing Shen Yi's peaceful slumber.

He groaned, lifted himself, and threw a glare towards her.

"It's still Sunday, Xinxin. Your classes won't resume until tomorrow morning. It's still early," he reminded her.

"But I need to go back to Lunar Residence to get permission for my bodyguards, remember?" she retorted.