Shen Yi Found His Joyous Heart (4)

Lu Sibai hurriedly came back to the dining area upon hearing his daughter's cry. He heard his daughter's scream, a voice of pure terror that sounded wrong in her childish voice. He made his way to her as fast as he could as her cries faded into ragged sobs.

"What happened?" he asked in panic. He kneeled beside his daughter and wiped her tears dry.

Shen Jinxiu stared at his nephew in disbelief. Just as he was about to think the boy would get along with the girl, Shen Yi made her cry.

"Yi, that isn't a nice thing to do. Why did you pinch Xin'er?"

Shen Yi shrugged and pushed his untouched food towards Lu Xinyi.

"Eat it. I don't like it," he said and looked away nonchalantly.

In truth, he couldn't admit to his uncle that he pinched the girl because he found her irresistible. Those smooth, chubby cheeks of her reminded him of freshly steamed buns he liked to eat. He couldn't bite her so he pinched her instead. He didn't intend to make her cry.