The Shen Family Has Nothing to Do With the Suns (1)

Shen Yi sat in his wheelchair, his attention focused on the funeral of his uncle. The reality that his Uncle Jin passed away still hadn't sunk in his young mind, refusing to believe that his playful uncle would never return to them.

The sun shone brightly in spite of the chilling wind around them. It was as if the sun conspired to show him how the world would go on without Shen Jinxiu. It shouldn't. Everything should be as gray and foggy as his emotions, Shen Yi thought to himself. It should be cold and damp with silent air.

As he bid his last goodbye to his uncle, the long-held back tears began to flow. Shen Yi was not ashamed to shed tears for him. He loved his uncle, respected him so much that he'd rather spend more time with him than his own father. Now that he was gone, a light had been extinguished forever in his heart. He sat still in silent grief and waited for the end of the funeral service.