You Can Still Give Me a Red Envelope (2)

The next day, Lu Xinyi sat silently at the cafeteria, having lunch with Lan Xiaoli and Tang Lilou. Within a day, the news of her upcoming wedding reception had spread throughout the capital and social media. It was hard for the public not to talk about the event. They believed that the Shen family would be hosting an extravagant and luxury wedding for the couple.

As the three continue to eat in silence, Lu Xinyi was greeted several times by countless people she didn't know. Curious gazes and heated conversation followed her. Both Shen Yi and Lu Xinyi came from famous families so everyone was curious about how they ended up being married in spite of the rift between the Shen and Sun families.

Lu Xinyi wasn't concerned at all. The stares she received varied from curiosity to jealousy; some even have malice on it, but that didn't interest her whatsoever. Now that they disclosed their relationship, she didn't care what people would think of her.