The Fall of the Sun Family (1)

The company's shareholders had a good impression with Lu Xinyi not only because she was the daughter of Sun Meixiu who had managed to enhance and strengthen the performance of County A Branch of Sun Corporation in less than two years. It was also because of Lu Xinyi's ability to save Flair Apparel on its brink of bankruptcy.

Most of them knew how Flair Apparel almost closed its doors to the market, but with Lu Xinyi's help, the dying business managed to stay afloat and even soar within a year. Moreover, there was no sign that they'd fall anytime soon.

At the moment, the shareholders looked at her and calmed down.

Lu Xinyi had received the information across this year and last year's reports, Sun Corporation's poor management had been going on for some time—even before Sun Mingai and Sun Feiyan returned from overseas.