Intricate Taste (1)

When Liu Jinfei and Lin Xiao came down from their rooms to have breakfast at five in the morning, they didn't see Shen Lingqing around and wondered if she was already up. Even back at Savory Alley, they rarely saw Director Shen unless she went out of her office to do an inspection in the kitchen. 

They already showered and changed into a pair of casual clothes since Director Shen didn't bother them about proper kitchen attire during this training. However, Lin Xiao made sure he had his small notebook and pen with him, so he could jot down notes to review later. 

"Chef Liu, what do you think about the training we would have today? I hope it isn't the same as yesterday," Lin Xiao asked with a laugh. He could feel that his sense of taste had come back, but it's a little more sensitive than usual.