Shen Lingqing’s Threat (2)

"Hmm… to think that he would come here to confirm that Liu Jinfei is working with you. What is that man afraid of?" Lu Xinyi asked as they looked at the retreating figures of the Liu family. "And his daughter! How annoying?! If we weren't here at a banquet, I would have dug her eyes out and fed it to the dogs." 

"We just arrived, and this is what I would hear as soon as I came to see you? My, my, Lu Xinyi. You haven't changed at all." A familiar voice caught the mother and daughter's attention.

As they turned their heads, they saw Sun Feiyan dressed in a light-purple halter gown, with her hair pinned in a meticulous bun on her head. Beside her stood her son, Ye Xingchen, who was looking dashing and handsome in his black suit. 

"Aunt Feiyan." Shen Lingqing rose to her feet and greeted her aunt politely.