Hacking Everything <proof read>

Sam saw the creator of the system and was surprised that he had the same name as him, but he paid no attention to it and kept on listening to the notifications popping up.

*DING*= Hacking the world, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, World hacked.

*DING*= Hacking the universe, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, Universe hacked.

*DING*= Hacking the heaven, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, Heaven hacked.

*DING*= Hacking the Multiverse, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, Multiverse hacked.

*DING*= Hacking fictional worlds, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, Fictional worlds hacked.

*DING*= Hacking Cultivation worlds, 1%, 4%, 23%, 45%, 56%, 78%, 99%, 100%, Cultivation worlds hacked.

*DING*= The hack system has officially started. For creating the system, you gained the special ability to master anything by just looking at it and have gained the gamer body.

*DING* you have gained 1 creator pack and one beginner gift pack.

*Ding*= Do you wish to open the 2 packs?

Even though before he was calm as hell now he was thinking if he was dreaming or not. The things he was hearing were way out of the world and couldn't believe any of it. To check if he was dreaming or not he tried to pinch himself, but he couldn't even move one bit.

He looked down at his body to see what was happening but the moment he did he was thinking if he had reincarnated to a different with a hack system, the reason he felt that he was reincarnated to a different world was that when he looked down he saw no fat on his body.

He tried to get up but couldn't move even a cm, the only thing he could move was his head. Seeing that he couldn't move at all he decided to look around a bit, he turned his head to his right. When he turned his head to his right he saw a woman sleeping. The woman was sleeping on a chair while her head was on his bed. Sam looked at the women closer to only see tear stains on her face. Sam tried to look at her for a bit longer to see who she was but suddenly the women started to move her head. Sam thought that she has woken up, so he waited for her to sit up properly, so he could see her face completely.

The woman started to sit up and the moment the she did, Sam saw her full face and was about to cry his eyes out. The face he saw belonged to his mum that he had treated badly for so long. The reason he felt like crying was that he had ignored his mum for like 4 years and hadn't said hey or bye to her but for some reason when he was here she was still crying.

He looked at her face for a bit more and said, "Sorry mum". His mum heard him and quickly jumped and hugged her while saying "it's okay son, I forgive you".

Hearing that his mum forgives him was very shocking as he had never done anything good for her for the past years that he was freeloading in her house.

While he was thinking about that, his mum called for the doctor to come and check up on his son.

He looked at his mum while she was doing that, his mum noticed that he was looking at her and turned around. When she turned around she asked Sam

"How do you feel"

Sam looked at her for a while then said, "I can't move any part of my body from my neck to toe".

Suddenly she started to cry, Sam felt that something was wrong and asked her, "Why are you crying, mum".

She looked at Sam and was about to say something, but the words couldn't come out of her mouth. She tried to tell Sam something, but she couldn't do it for some reason. Seeing that she wasn't able to tell him Sam told her that she can wait and say what she wanted to him later when she is ready.

Hearing Sam's word, his mum stopped trying to tell and got ready to tell Sam the truth, and before she could the doctor appeared.

He told Sam's mum that he will be checking his health now and said if she wanted to tell Sam the news. She looked at the doctor then said, "I can't tell him that news can you please tell him?"

The doctor nodded to Sam's mum then said, "Don't worry I'll tell him on your behalf".

Seeing that they were talking about something bad and we're going to tell him something bad, he started to prepare his heart for the bad news.

The doctor started to check the equipment that was connected to my body and took notes on his paper. After a while, he finished and came in front of me to tell me the info he had collected.

"Sir Sam, it seems like that you are ready to leave the hospital anytime as your body seems to be as normal as it could be but before you feel happy I have to tell that I have a bad news for you".

I looked at him and said "You can say what the bad news is"

"The bad news is that the lightning that hit you has stopped most of your body parts but luckily it has not stopped the important one like the heart and lungs".

Even though that sounded bad I could still handle it and think that it was not that bad but before I could think of that the doctor continued,

"Since the lightning-caused most of your body parts stopped working, you're not able to move anymore as the damage had been mostly been done to your muscles".

Suddenly as if Sam's heart has been broken he felt an ache in his heart and was feeling very emotional and was about to cry but before that could happen he heard the system, the system that he thought was just his imagination.

*DING*= Host does not need to worry about that as the system has changed your body to a gamer's body and can heal from any kind of injury with just some rest.