Opening Gift Packs

After the notification popped up the system sent another notification to Sam,

*DING= would host like to hack the game for 10k hack points.

Sam was wondering what hack points was and had to ask the system,

"What's hack points"

*DING*= hack points are like codes; each system needs a certain amount of codes to be hacked and this game needs 10k hack points.

Sam felt like as if he understood the system a bit better as he now knew why it was hack system, what he figured out was that the system creates certain amounts of codes in exchange to hack a system and now Sam was going to ask the main question that he was wondering about.

"How do I gain Hack points?"

*Ding*=You can convert money into Hack points in ratio of $100 = 1 hack points.

What the fuck, if what Sam heard was right he would need 1 million dollars to make 10k hack points. He doesn't even have $100 right now and the system is asking for 1 million dollars from him.

He started to plan some ideas on how he could make money, but he couldn't come up with anything and could only sit there thinking until he remembered that he had to gift pack and usually in system novels those packs would give points and some other stuff.

"Open the gift packs that I have", said Sam

*DING*= Opening beginner pack and creator pack,

You have gained [ Thousand Years of Cultivation x1 / Universal Talent x2 / Facial Upgrade x10 / Basic Cultivation Technique / Fictional Portal x3 /Everlasting Young Pill/ Time Travel x1/ Save Point / 10M Hack Points.]

Seeing that Sam was very confused about what he was hearing the system started to explain the items.

*DING*= Thousand Years of Cultivation: Allow the person that took the pill to cultivate for 1000 years inside a cocoon with a high density of qi. 1000 years in the cocoon = 1 hour in real world.

Universal Talent x2: Allows the person to have the highest talent in everything in all universes.

Facial Upgrade, makes the user become more good looking, the 10 pills can make you the most handsome person in the world.

Basic Cultivation Technique: A technique that will refine your body.

Fictional Portal: opens a portal to any existing fictional world.

Everlasting Young Pill: the user of the pill stops aging past 25 years old and anyone above 25 years old will turn back to 25 years old.

Time Travel: Can take you only back in time

Save point: brings back to the host at one point that they have used the save point at. If user die he will go back at the place the host used save point.

Sam saw all the stuff and said in his mind 'Aren't I meant to face difficulty to get stronger',

*Ding*= if you had a normal system like in the story you are thinking about "yes you are meant to progress slowly, but this system is not like them as I am meant to make the road for the user as easy as waking up".

Hearing that the system was meant to make everything for him and Sam noticed that it helped it with other stuff, like his appearance, which he deeply thanked the system.

Eric got back to what he was doing, which was to hack the game that he liked and progress like there was no tomorrow.

"Hack the game" said Sam

Game hacked, withdrawing 10k hack points.

After it said that Sam went and looked at the shop section to see the cost for it to be zero.

He quickly tapped on the highest amount of diamonds you could buy. Slowly but steadily the diamonds raised from 0 to millions and his VIP rank went from 0 to 15.

He got different gifts from levelling up his VIP and the best one was the last one which gave him a rank 10 weapon.

He had mostly gotten new pets and weapons.

Sam quickly equipped the weapons he got and the awakened the new pets.

Without looking at the Br increase he went to summon section and decided to summon for some weapons.

He told the system to use ¼ of his diamonds and summon on the weapon banner. He waited for a while until the system concluded the weapons he got.

The system finished doing the business and it was time for Sam to check it out, he only looked at the highest rank ones, which was rank 6.

He had gotten 1000 of spirit blade, spirit cap, spirit shoulders, spirit doublets, spirit leggings, spirit bragons, spirit ring and spirit necklace.

He quickly went and spent 100k diamonds to buy gold as the upgrades that he would do, will cost all lot of gold.

He went to the upgrade section and started to upgrade his items.

10 minutes later

Now all his weapons were rank 12 and were at their max levels, which meant that it probably gave him lots of BR. Sam went and checked his BR section to see that it was increased by 3 times reaching around 90M BR

He was about to go and hack other games that he had bad he suddenly smelt food coming towards him. He removed the gaming screen and started to look towards where the smells were coming from, he was looking towards it, to see his mum was bringing the food. He got up and went tohis mum and told her to give him the food, so he could bring it. She was hesitant at first but soon said that he could bring the other stuffs in the kitchen, Sam started to walk towards the kitchen to bring the rest of the food. He entered the kitchen and saw a couple of plates and coups with a large bottle of solo left. In the plates there was salad, spaghetti, rice with some kind topping and the last plate was chocolate mousse. If he had a chance he would ask his mum how she made this stuff so fast.

(Question: Do you guys think I should send Sam back in time when he was 16 and make his life better) He will not lose the system if he changes anything in the time line