
After Sam destroyed the shop he disappeared from where he was standing and reappeared on the ground.

Even though he had destroyed the shop it didn't mean that he was seen clearly by other people, to see all of his features.

He started to walk around the city until he saw a pill shop.

He went inside and saw lots of different pills, he looked under the pills where the description of pill was and saw lots of effective pills.

Some of the pills were very basic like

Strength pill, this pill increased the strength of the person that took it by 1000jin.

Agility technique pill, this pill helped the person that took it to increase his comprehension for 1 hour for agility techniques. Even though that sounded good for lots of people but for experts that knew the side effect of it, they wouldn't take it at all. They knew that without an enlightenment you should not suddenly increase your comprehension, at first you wouldn't notice that it had effected you in any ways but after a couple of more it, it will start take major effect in your body.

Sam looked at it for a while but stopped looking at it.

As Sam was looking at the pills he was seen by one of the shop workers, he looked at Sam and asked him, "excuse me sir, what are you looking for?"

Sam turned around to the direction of where the voice was coming from and saw a girl. The girl had long triangular-ish, pointy ears, and a very sharp nose, which went quite well with her blonde, grey hair.

Sam looked at her and quickly assumed that she was an elf from her ears that pointed towards the sky.

Sam looked in to her eyes then said "I'm here to look around".

Normally she would quickly go back to her position but for some reason she couldn't move.

Elf's P.O.V

As I was standing on my working position I saw a customer come in, seeing that he had some fancy clothes I waited for him to pick his item then so he could by it.

The customer was looking around the pill and when he saw a pill he stopped moving. He was focused on the pill for a moment and wasn't looking anywhere for a while, seeing my chance to make the person by the pill he was looking at I went to him and said "excuse me sir, what are you looking for?"

I was waiting for his answer but the moment he turned around I was memsmorised by his face. His face was just out of this world, his skin colour was pale white but even though it was pale white like a girl, he did not any sign of having a similarity to a girl.

His white skin was a perfect fit for a girl but when somebody looked at his face closely he/she would know that the pale white colour was releasing more manliness. She looked at Sam's white pale face for a while before moving on to his eyes, she looked at Sams deep blue eyes that kept on ducking her into them non-stop.

She slowly looked at every feature in his body like, his blue hair, physique that radiated dominance from anywhere you saw it and finally she looked at Sam's cultivation.

She wanted to see if the person that was so handsome had any good points in cultivation. She tried sense his cultivation stage but unlucky for her, she could feel nothing. She was a bit sad as she had finally saw a handsome person that had caught her attention but what if a person was handsome if he couldn't live up to the point where she could have similar age to him.

She was checking all this stuff in an instant and the things that she was feeling did not show in her face. Right now, was when Sam replied with "I'm here to look around".

Seeing that person was here to look around, she would normally get irritated but this time she was happy and the reason for that was is that she could spend more time with this person by disguising her intention by saying she's showing around the place to him.

She looked at Sam's heaven defying features and said, "if you would like I can show you around".

Back to main P.O.V

Sam heard her and quickly answered with "sure if you want to".

He looked at the elf and waited for her to answer.

"As a worker of this shop it's my job to show the customers around", the elf said happily.

Sam continued with the conversation by saying "you can lead the way anytime".

The elf girl heard him and said, "sure you can follow me now".

She started to walk towards the other pills and started to explain them.

As she was explaining the effects of pills she also asked some questions like, what my name and where I'm from and what I came here for.

While she was asking this stuff, I felt like I was being question by a F.B.I for commuting a crime.

Even though she was asking me the all the questions I also asked her what her name was. When I asked her for some reason I felt like she was quite happy hearing my question. Her name was Tracy, at first when i heard her name I thought she was from an English-speaking country but then I remembered that this people spoke a totally different language.

When Sam first came to this place he didn't knew that this place had a different language, but he learnt that this place had a different language when he looked a stats page that popped up while he was being led by the elf girl.

The stats page showed the place name and the strongest person in it.

Sam ignored most of the information on the page and just read the information that he thought was useful.