First Bloodline

Sam stopped what he was doing and got ready to get out of the dungeon as he had only 2 minutes left before he was kicked out of the dungeon.

Sam did not wait for the dungeon to kick him and just went out himself without waiting for the dungeon to kick him out. While he was in the dungeon he had feed the 8,000,000 qi to his new skill and that costed him all his MP potions which was 400.

He went out of the dungeon and started to look for other monster that could help him level up, he found many monsters that were at his own level and he quickly went to kill them all. He had approximately killed 6 monsters ranging from 80 to 160. After killing them Sam heard that he had created 6 dungeons.

Sam went inside the weakest dungeon which started with 10 level 10 monsters, he finished killing the waves and continued to kill the boss.

After he finished the dungeon he had gained 40 levels and 70k gamer points, after clearing that dungeon he moved on to the next dungeon and like that he followed the same steps till he finished the whole 6 dungeons that he had gotten from killing those monsters.

The main thing that he noticed was that the level that the dungeons gave started to drop down. If the dungeon levels didn't drop down, he would have gained 240 levels but since the levelling speed dropped he only gained 145 levels. From clearing the dungeons, he had gained lots of things and the most common thing in them was MP and HP Potions. While he was clearing dungeon the thing that he got the most was gamer points, he had gained 500k gamer points for clearing all the dungeons and now he could by something good with them.

Sam started to look through his items and saw a large list of items that he didn't need, so the only thing he could do was sale them. He selected everything that he didn't need and sold it for gamer points, which made it rose by 200k gamer points.

Seeing that he had did enough training Sam called for his status that had changed,

Gamer body Lv: 225: 0/150000 [Host gets twice the stats boosts for every level]


Sword Disciple: Increases you slashing speed and power by 15%; Lv: 1: 0/1000000

Exploding Fist: Increases the users fist speed and strength by 1000 when you use the skill. Lv; 0: 8m/10m Qi, [Need to level up the skill to take the effect]


Strength: 2250

Agility: 2250

Defence: 2250

HP: 22500

Qi: 112500

Gamer points: 730k


Dungeon: Horned Rabbit [Cleared], Wild Bear [ Cleared], Ogre [cleared, you have 5 more dungeons that you have cleared World Boss: unlocked at level: 600.

Seeing his new stats Sam was quite delighted as he had grown strong by so much just in to hours, but he also remembered that this was nothing to the strength he would have right now if hr released his actual strength.

Sam didn't want to waste any more time here, so he quickly went to finish the mission that he had to do in this area and quickly return to the sect.

He started to follow the arrow that the system showed when he asked to give him direction to where the lion eggs were at. He followed the arrows until he was in front of a cave, in front of the cave there was blood stains that were going inside the cave. Sam followed the blood stains until he was met with a pure white lioness that was covered with blood that would be seen from anywhere because of the lioness's white fur.

The lioness was growling at Sam and was standing in front of 10 eggs that were covered by the lioness's blood and when Sam looked at the eggs he heard the system.

Mission: complete you have earned 500k sect contribution points, Sam did not have the time to be happy about anything as the lioness started roar at Sam with all her might that she had in her.

Sam looked at her then said, "I'm not here to harm you or your kids I'm just here to take a rest, if you don't want me to stay here I can leave".

As Sam said that he was ready to be chased out but before he could do anything he was attacked from behind. He was sent towards the walls of the cave and was slammed onto the walls, even though it seemed that would hurt someone, it didn't hurt Sam as the attack was very weak to do any damage to him.

Sam got up and turned around to attack but before he could do anything he saw the lioness attack the thing that attacked him, Sam looked closely at what it was and saw that it was a brown lion that was being attacked by the lioness. The lioness tried to attack the lion but before she could do anything it was attacked by the lion. The lion grabbed her by her neck and started to twist her neck but before it could do anything Sam quickly rushed to where the lion was and attacked him with his sword.

The lion did not have the time to react to Sam's attack and lost his head to the hands of Sam, after killing the lion Sam quickly went to the lioness and quickly feed her 10 HP potions, he saw her HP go up and her injuries started to close and heal completely. Sam was waiting for her to get up, but she wasn't moving at all he was getting a bit worried as he thought the lioness died before he could save her but when he checked again he saw unconscious under her stats.

Sam stopped worrying about that and started to plan on how to be in piece with lion, but before he could think of anything he heard the system,

Ding= Host can by the lion heart bloodline for 100k gamer points, it will allow you to understand the language of the lions and it will make any lions that sees you feel safe, also increases your power by 30% when you activate the bloodline.