Tian Long

The boss started to talk "we can't auction as nobody will want it as the item could suppress the buyer until he or she is dead".

Sam was relieved when he heard the reason.

He smiled and said, "don't worry about that, I can suppress the stone and suppress enough that anybody could absorb it without a problem".

Sam took out the qi stone but this time he suppressed it before anything could happen.

When the boss owner saw this, the only thing he could think of was how to get on good terms with Sam, the reason being that if Sam could suppress the qi stone it only meant he was as strong as the qi stone.

The boss looked at Sam and quickly said to Sam "Sir, we will need a few minutes for us to bring the most powerful of this realm in this auction and can you give us the qi stone, so we could advertise it".

Sam gave the qi stone to him and when he got it he quickly jumped of the balcony that was created to see the auction stage and went to the auction stage.

Everybody in the auction stage were surprised seeing somebody jump in the stage. They though he was probably here to still the item that was currently auctioned.

The guards were about to attack the person that jump to the stage but before they could do that they saw the person face and stopped on their position.

When the boss arrived he quickly told the girl that was auctioning the items to go back. He told the nearest guard to bring him the god realm alarm.

The god realm alarm is an item that send a n alarm to the whole god realm and a video of the person.

Few seconds passed, and the guard brought the alarm. The moment the boss got the alarm he activated it.

Suddenly a picture of the boss of the auction was spread throughout the god realm.

The girl got off the stage and when he did the boss started to speak,

"Hello, everybody today our grand auction hall has the greatest item in the whole god realm in our hand and we would like to auction it"

When other gods heard what the auction boss said, they were ready to kill him.

They had never thought that somebody use the god realm alarm to advertise an item.

The talk continued,

"You might be mad at me for using the god realm alarm for advertising an item but when you know the worth of the item, you would race to here to get it".

The boss put the qi stone that Sam created and said, "Sir can you stop suppressing the stone and when you did can you save me from being suppressed".

The moment those words came out of the boss's mouth the qi stone created by Sam started release huge amount of qi that suppressed everybody in the auction area and all the person that were watching the scene could feel the power coming from the Stone.

The boss continued with the speech, "And you should not worry about it suppressing the buyer to death as the owner of the qi stone can suppress it aura".

The qi stone stopped releasing its aura and everybody got up, while shaking nonstop. Everybody that heard that the owner of the qi stone could suppress the stone, they all wondered who this power house could be.

Everybody was imagining how strong Sam was and while they were doing that the power houses that saw what happened on the god realm alarm were racing to the auction hall to obtain the qi stone.

As this could be their chance to become the strongest in the god realm.

The wait for some was too long, it was the same as an eternity, so to stop this boredom he asked the system,

System is there any person that had been reincarnated in this universe.

Ding= no there's no one that has been reincarnated in this universe, but there a person being reincarnated in the universe next to this universe.

Sam was overjoyed as he always liked to read about people being reincarnated in another world and today was his chance to see one happening.

He asked the system if there was a way that it could record what the person was doing after he was reincarnated.

Ding= you can give him another version of the hack system and that could record the event in that person life.

Sam told the system to transport him to where the person was and the when he said that he was transported to where he was. when Sam appeared their the sky turned dark

Sam saw a person in a cave reading a book. Sam looked at the status of the person and saw status

Name: Tian Long

Age: 23

Cultivation Rank: Martial Disciple stage

System: LPS Administrator Version 1.0 (Upgradable)

SP: 0

Sam looked at the name and said to the system,

Send him the other version of hack system.

When he told the system that he heard a notification from the system.

Ding= The person you're trying to send the system already has a system, but you can make it so that you can send the hack system as a different system to Tian Long directly with his agreement.

Sam's system sent a notification to Tian Longs system to ask it to let the hack system to be a exist inside Tian Long as another system. When Tian Longs system heard this, it said that it could only allow that if its hosts allows it.

Sam got down from flying and went to where Tian Long was, the moment Sam entered the cave, Tian Long was looking at him the whole time. Sam walked towards him and asked him,

"I'm pretty sure you know why I'm here".

"So, I'll ask you do you want an extra system".

sam waited for a while and the only thing he heard was a "what?".

he loked at the weird face that he was making and said "What? you don't want to" he had never seen a person that wouldn't want a free system but before he could be shocked he heard Tian long

NO... I mean Yes ... NO ... I mean yes I would like to receive the system" he said with a very fast pace.

The moment he said that the system took away 1.1 million hack points to give Tian Long the other version of hack system and to make the system record his story for 100k.

Sam felt pained from the amount the system took away, but he wasn't going to give the system without him working for it.

Sam decided that Tian Long needed to do something to receive the system so he said,

"Okay but there is a catch you will need to do a mission for me to get the system".

"you have to defeat a monster 2 ranks higher than yourselves"

"Uhm... Venerable Senior would you mind if I ask your name since I don't know how to address you, and by the way, this lowly one's name is Tian Long" Tian Long tried to be humble as possible since he knew the man in front of him is more powerful.

"No need to use honorifics, just call me Sam and by the looks of it you're probably much older than me" hearing that this guy even was younger than him made his jaw fall down

after Sam said that he quickly disappeared from where he was.

Sam returned to the auction hall and saw that auction was going on and the item being auction was his Qi stone.

If you want to check out Tian Longs Story go and check out Limitless paradox system.

Me and WannabeAuthor_Void did a across over. My character went inside his story to give his character another version of hack system. Why we did, cause WannabeAuthor_Void wanted a system like my hack system and when I heard about it I agreed with him and came to conclusion that my character should go to his story and give him a version of the hack system.

My Mc should be in his next chapter. His chapter is out you should go check it out