Father-in law

Sam looked at her then said, "I wanna go see your father".

"You're not strong enough for that, he will probably kill you".

Sam looked at her and started to laugh.

She thought that was going crazy as he was laughing for no reason "why are you laughing".

"Well just check my status"

The moment he said that he unsealed his cultivation.

She was confused at was being shown on the status window,

She looked at Sam and said, "the thing you gave me is broken".

"It's not broken, it is showing those question marks because I'm way stronger then what the status window is able to show".

"Well then at least you're stronger then what I thought but I'm still sure that nothing will change".

Sam did not try to fight back with her and said: "will just see then".

After hearing Sam, she did nothing and started to activate her teleportation talisman.

Sam and Eliana disappeared from where they were standing and now we're in a large city that was bigger than the whole planet that they were previously at.

Sam asked, "where are we?"

"Were in my world in god realm".

Sam looked around this huge place and saw that every place he looked at was filled with people.

He ignored everything and asked Eliana "lead the way to your home"

She started to walk towards her home and everybody that saw Elian started bowing towards her as if they just saw a princess or something.

Sam did not care about these people but he knew that all of them were stronger than Elian and he was that dumb to ask her why but while he was checking their stats Eliana had already noticed that and started to explain what was happening "Don't worry I'm not that weak, the only reason I look weak right now is because I haven't reached the awakening stage".

Then she pointed a boy around 15-17 and said "check his status"

Sam checked the boy's stats and saw a major drop in stat points then what he was used to.

Sam quickly asked "what is this"

Eliana started explaining the reason behind such a huge drop in status, "every phoenix cultivator that reached the age of 18 will awaken their bloodline to its fullest potential and get 100 times to boost in strength and there are some that have a royal bloodline that gets a double awakening".

"Double awakening is when the person fully awakens their Phoenix bloodline completely and when they reach the age of 18 they will gain another boost in stats".

Sam looked at her then said, "have you completely awakened your bloodline?"

"Yes, I have but I have to wait for me to reach 18 to get the fully awakened boost and the boost for awakening before the age of 18".

"So how much will strength increase by if you have awakened your bloodline 2 times?"

"For fully awakening your bloodline before you reach 18 you get 100 times your overall stats, but it will only activate when you reach the age of 18".

"And when you have fully awakened your power before 18 and reach 18 you will get another 100 times to boost in all stats".

"So, you basically get 200 times if you met the requirement".

San was quite interested in those increase in power and asked the system "can my bloodline do that?"

Ding= yes it can do that but better, it will give you a 400 boost in power as you have 100% in bloodline the moment you got it.

'Well that's something' said Sam in his mind.

1 hour later

Sam and Elian had finally reached their destination, Sam was shocked at how bod Eliana house was it was almost 20 times bigger than how big his house was.

The walked towards the main area of her house and went straight in.

The moment they entered they were greeted by a large row of guards that were 400 times stronger than Eliana.

They seemed very powerful without Sam looking at their status.

Sam walked towards where there was a crown, and he waited there for a few seconds before an old person appeared.

Everybody bowed the moment he appeared except Eliana and Sam.

When the guards and ministers of the person saw what happened they quickly said: "how dare you do not kneel down in the presence of our king?"

Sam looked at them and showed a facial expression that clearly said that he didn't give a shit about what he just said.

The ministers and guards were about to attack when they heard Eliana "stand down".

The people in the throne room heard her voice and stopped on the spot they were at.

They knew if they didn't lesson to her they would as well as just ignore the Kings order.

They had known this fact when one of the king's son ignored her order and he got in prison for 10,000 years without any kind of cultivation resource or any qi resource to feed himself.

They all know that he might now be starving to death, but his god physique was keeping him alive.

The king that was sitting on the thrown suddenly moved from his seat and quickly went to hug Elian as he couldn't handle to bear to pretend that she was like another child of his.

The moment he hugged he said "Elian where were you for the past 3 days, I have missed you so much, why couldn't my guards find you in all of the realms"

Eliana looked at her dad then said: "it's only been 3 days and you're already about to cry, imagine what would happen if I was gone for a week".

The king noticed that somebody was next to Eliana, so he immediately let go of her, so he doesn't bring his status down to a caring father as he wanted everyone to think that he was a ruthless king.

He signalled for his daughter to introduce her friend,

She slowly started to speak with a bit of wavering in her word "this is my boyfriend and future to be husband".

The moment the king heard his daughter he immediately looked at Sam with an intimidating look and asked: "what do you have that could protect my daughter".

Sam was quite surprised at how straightforward the king was, so he decided to the total opposite "I have an unwavering love for her".

Sam was exaggerating his love a bit too much, he knew that he loved the girl and wanted to be with her, but it wasn't enough to call his love unwavering love.

What do you guys wanna see,

A= Sam totally suppresses his father in law

B= His father in law creates a tournament for Sam to prove himself

Comment A or B for your choice