War between women

A couple of hours later they reached the destination that was marked as the place that was meant to be where they guys would have taken Tania to.

He reached the spot and quickly sent his spiritual sense and said: "everybody that is not related to this sect gets out before I kill you".

When Sam said that everybody in the sect hearer it. They thought who dared to come to pick a fight in the Sia sect.

Sam waited for a bit and lots of cultivators came out.

Sam said "I'll count down from 10 and if I see you staying at this sect I'll kill you with no mercy'

Sam started to count down from 10,

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3,"

when Sam reached 3 he saw an old age man come out of a mountain and flow right towards him. He waited for him to come close and ask him if he was the one that sent people to bring his mum here.

The person got close to Sam and when he did Sam asked, "Did you send someone to get a person from another continent".

"Oh, so your related to that genius that appeared in Tria continent but sadly you to let we already have the person with my trusted guards".

When Sam heard that he asked the system to destroy everything and everyone that was related to what happened and with waiting the system used Sam's power and released a bit of spiritual pressure ti throughout the world and killed everybody that was related to what happened to Sam's.

The person that came in front of Sam started to shake and suddenly fell on the ground, next the system transferred everybody from the sect that wasn't related to what happened to Sam's mum and destroyed the sect after it transferred the people out, the Sam thing happened to the sect that he joined first.

After that happened Sam transferred himself and the two ladies to where Tracy was.

When Tracy saw who it was, she started crying as she had thought that Sam had left her and was going somewhere.

She quickly hugged Sam when she saw him appear here.

When Eliana saw this frown started to appear on her forehead as she had not thought that her boyfriend would be hugged by a random girl but then she thought it might be his sister.

Eliana went to Sam and asked, "Who is this", Sam was thinking a possible answer that wouldn't hurt Tracy's feeling but before he could do Tracy said, "I'm his girlfriend".

When that came out of her mouth Sam was ready to hear the heartbreaking words that would come out of Eliana's mouth.

"What?", Eliana said with a bit of anger in her words, she had never thought that her boyfriend had another girlfriend already.

She was about to start to say something when Tania started to speak "I expected this to happen" after she said that he signalled to the two girls to follow her.

The went to a corner and put up a sound concealing talisman so that Sam doesn't hear what they are talking about.

Tania first started to explain the situation to Tracy and when she heard what was happening she had become heartbroken as she had not expected that somebody else would get Sam's heart before her.

she was about to cry herself a river when she heard Tania "I know that both of you like my son, and I know that both of you can't marry the same person, so for you guys to become the bride of my son you guys have to show which one of you are the better person to him".

"You both have 50 50 chances so use that chance to catch Sam's attention".

Tania knew that when she said that 'both had a 50 50 chance' she knew that she was lying but she had to say it to make Tania more motivated to try to make Sam hers.

The removed the sound concealing talisman and started to move towards Sam.

They got close to Sam and when they did Tania quickly went on to the right side of Sam and started to hold his hand while pressing her breast against his arms. When Eliana saw this she instantly moved to the other side of Sam and did the exact same thing.

when Sam saw this, he was thinking that they both were going to slap him on the face but he didn't expect to this heavenly thing to happen to him.

He looked at his mum and was questioning what was happening when his mum saw her sons face she started to smirk and say, "Let's just say a competition is going on and there's a huge reward for the winner". Tania's thought "well this is going to be a great a show to watch'

as if Sam could guess what she was thinking and he wondered 'how is she able to recover from something bad so quickly'.

Sam was confused at what was happening but when he heard what his mum said he quickly understood what happened.

Sam was thinking about something so he could remove the stare down happening between Tracy and Elian but before he could think of one his mind was changed from thinking about how to solve the problem and started to think about how soft their breasts are.

He stood there not moving for a while an was trying his hard to not get an erection. He looked at Tracy and said "do you want to fix the problem with your parent's"

She looked at Sam then said "Don't worry, I don't want to be related to them anymore as they don't even treat me like a normal human"

"So, do you want to go somewhere else with us", she obviously said yes as she didn't want to lose the war that was happening between her and Eliana".

When Eliana saw that Sam was talking to Eliana and not her she slowly pinched Sam very hard, but Sam didn't feel any pain from that thanks to his unlimited defence.

He let a slight scream out to make Eliana feel that her attack worked, and she had caught his attention.

When he screamed, Tania understood what happened, but Tracy didn't, so she quickly asked, "what's wrong" with a worried expression.

Sam felt the warmth of her worried expression coming towards him from her, so he quickly answered "Nothing I just felt a bit of pain in my back"

he looked at her then said, "okay you guys should get ready we're going".

after he said that he told the system to accept the mission that said, 'that he had to go to a fictional world".

Picking a fictional world,

sealing power to not break the world law and existence...

suddenly a Tania, Tracy, Eliana and Sam were transferred to another world.

Mission complete you have been transferred into the world of...