A-Rank Mission

Sam ripped the mission paper of the board and went to accept the mission.

He gave the mission to rules and said that he would like to accept this mission.

When Romeo saw the difficulty, he thought that Sam was trying to kill himself, so he quickly warned him that he was going on a sucker mission.

Sam thanked him for his care and said: "don't worry these creatures are not in front of me".

Sam went to his house and told his family that he would be going to do a mission and asked them if they wanted to do a mission.

They said no as they were tired from the journey they had prior to coming to joining the guild.

Sam said his goodbyes to them and went to the mission.

He took a train to where the mission area was, then travelled by a carriage to where the serpent was at.

It took him 1 day to reach here, right now he was in front of a large river.

He asked the system to show him the location of three serpents.

The system leads him to the right side of the river where the river to a larger area of the land.

Sam reached this place and the arrow that was leading him here. Seeing that the arrow disappeared Sam used his techniques that he got from the mission reward.

The first one was a lightning dragon roar and the second was a lightning dragon hand.

He activated lightning dragon claw and activated all his booster abilities.

After he did the whole area of the river was filled with lightning jumping up and down.

Sam waited for a while before three serpents jumped out of the river while "hissing" in pain.

Sam looked at them and saw that they were already down to being dead. When the serpents saw the source of the lightning they immediately jumped towards it to stop it.

Sam saw the incoming serpent and used his lightning dragon roar.

The snakes stopped in mid-air as they were being pushed back by the lightning that came out of Sam's mouth.

The serpents fall in the river and the moment they did they quickly jumped out of it and started to use their water based skills.

The three-serpent released tornado made up of water towards Sam.

Sam ignored it and jumped up in the sky and quickly activated the flame attack that he learnt to till the Mastery point.

He threw the fire towards the serpents at a fast pace and after doing that he sent another lightning dragon roar after it.

The flame and lightning fused and started to increase their destructive force.

The fire started to release crackles of lightning.

The attack hit the serpents and started to burn them and shock them.

The process continued for a while before they died.

Sam stored the bodies of the serpents in his spatial storage and started to go back.

The courage that he had taken to come here was waiting for him to come back.

He sat on the carriage and told the driver of it to go back to the station.

Sam took the train and came back to Magnolia.

He went to the guild and gave the mission back items and completed the mission.

He was about to go out when he heard Romeo's dad "wait for you to get the reward for completing the mission".

Sam looked at them then said, "I don't need the money and it seems the guild needs it the most right now, you guys can use it and repay me later".

Romeo dad thought himself and new if he wanted to make the guild Better he needed lots of gold.

Sam went to his house and went to see that everybody was on the table in the kitchen eating and talking.

He went to get some food that was cooked and came back.

He sat next to his mum started to get into the conversation.

They asked him what kind of mission he did and what happened while he was doing it.

Sam explained everything thoroughly to them and went to his room as he was very tired because of the travel and that he had all his boosting ability activated the whole time to train his physique.

The time went from 1 pm to 2 pm it continued this way until Sam felt that it was time to get.

Sam woke and saw that it was in the middle of the night.

For some reason, he was bored from doing anything, so he thought he should go to earth to do go to a mall and walk around there as the earth was more interesting than this place.

He transported himself and asked the system to make the time ratio go back to normal.

Sam appeared in his room, he checked his room to see if there was anything different.

He saw that nothing different except that the time in here had only moved by an hour.

Sam went outside and started to walk to where the shop in his city was.

Sam did not want to waste his time by walking so he bought a Ferrari that looked very cool and told the system to create a driving licence for him and let be able to drive.

He drove his car to the mall and entered its car park.

He asked the system to exchange some gold into dollars.

Sam went to the malls that were in here and looked around the place to find a thing or too buy.

He could just by everything from the earth system but that would be too boring.

He looked around and started to look for stuff that he would like to buy.

The first shop he entered was a perfume shop.

He started to look at sprays and perfumes.

He didn't need any of them as he would be clean all the time as his qi would evaporate any kind of thing that wasn't related to his body, except any living being.

"did all of this on the train, bus and while walking"