Unknown Stages

sam looked at her coming towards him and he was quite surprised at how slowly she was walking. If this was his old self, he would have been nervous about seeing her but now he didn't give a flying Sh** about her.

He was quite disgusted that she had paid him attention when his appearance had changed and now was very much ready to just pretend that he never knew her.

The girl reached Sam and said "Hello".

Sam just looked at her and nodded his head then ignored her, she was quite shocked as she had never been ignored by anyone.

She jumped out of her shock and quickly said: "Can we talk for a while".

"Sorry but I have other things to do then talk to you", Sam said without showing any expression on his face.

The girl was getting quite annoyed that she was getting ignored, she was about to say something when she realised, she realised that he thought she was attracted to her and she wanted to be with him.

She was about to say the reason she was talking to him when she realised that there were too many people here to suddenly tell her secret.

She looked at Sam and released a bit of her qi towards Sam.

Sam was suddenly pressured and when Tracy and Eliana saw this girl make a move, they quickly released their own qi that completely erased her qi then made her completely suppressed.

Sam quickly realized what happened, he asked the system to unseal his cultivation and when his power was unsealed he immediately stopped the time from passing in the mortal realm.

He sent a bit of his qi to Tracy, Eliana and Rin when he gave them a bit of his qi they started to move while the time was completely stopped.

Rin fell on the floor and started spit mouth's full of blood out her mouth, Sam erased the qi that was coming out of Tracy and Eliana.

He looked at Rin and said, "Why did you try to harm me?", after a while, she stopped spitting out blood and said, "I wasn't trying to harm you, I was just trying to show that I was also a cultivator".

Sam was quite surprised when he first sensed that she was a cultivator and thought that she had miraculously has become one, "Why would you want to tell me that".

"Cause I wanted to check which faction you are in".

"What's these factions your talking about?"

When she heard Sam say that she was quite happy as this confirmed that she wasn't in any faction and this could help her recruit him to join her father's faction, She slowly started to explain "Factions are places that people on earth join to progress their cultivation path and if you would like I can help you to join my father's faction".

Sam was impressed at how retarded this person was, did she even think that he would need help from a mortal world that did not even have proper cultivators.

Sam was about to answer when Elaina said: "What do you guys think that you guys can provide to my husband with almost all of the people in this world just being mortal".

She had listened to her words carefully and when she heard her say this world, she received a bit information about her background. She was sure that in the other worlds, there was technology that could help people find another world inhabited by other people, so she didn't believe that the girl was strong enough to come to another world just by herself.

She tried to check out her cultivation and saw that she could feel nothing, if this was just a moment ago she would think she was just a normal person but with the fact that she had just made her bleed by just her qi she was sure she was as strong as her father.

She looked at Tracy and tried to check out her cultivation and when she did she saw nothing, so she believed that she was stronger than her and she needed to be stronger to sense her cultivation stage.

She did not try to check out Sam's cultivation as she already knew his stage, she looked at Sam and new if she could make Sam stay here she could keep the two women too, so she quickly said, "If your husband joins our faction will be able to give him the only breakthrough pill that we have in this world".

Eliana was quite interested at a pill that was named Breakthrough pill, so she had to ask, "What does it do".

"It allows the one that took the pill to advance by stage from any stages from 1-10 of heavenly stages".

Eliana heard the answer and was quite surprised that there was a cultivation stage that she didn't know, she was confused about what kind of cultivation stage it could be, so she asked, "is there any people in this world that is in that stage?". She asked the question because if she didn't know about a cultivation stage it only meant that the cultivation stage was too high for her to know of and even if she tries to sense that person cultivation stage she will not be able to sense it as he or she is at a higher stage than her.

"There are lots of people at that stage" when Eliana heard her answer she was quite shocked that there are so many experts in a world that has next to no cultivator.

From her birth, Eliana always liked to discover new things so she quickly asked, "Is there anyone you know that Is at that stage".

"I'm currently at the 3rd stage of Heavenly stages".

The moment she heard her Eliana was ready to commit suicide, how could she let herself be so dumb to forget that every world has different names for cultivation stages and these heavenly stages were the first 10 ranks of the strength refinement stage, which is the beginning of all cultivator's journey.

Eliana looked at Rin and took out one rank 8 pill and gave it to her, "Take this, it will help you in your cultivation path and don't try to invite us to your function, we are not good enough for such a faction that could have cultivators at the heavenly stages.

She looked at Sam and said You can remove the time seal.

Sam was grateful as he had received his MC position back, he removed the blood on the floor and removed and made the time flow.

HE looked at Rin and said, "It was nice to meet you, but we can't afford to join such a great faction and would only be making it become worst".

Sam decided to follow with the joke and said "The only reason we were able to beat you was cause we just used our ancestral treasure to do so and that helped us to forcefully increase our cultivation and it also gave us a chance to make our cultivation not be seen by anyone but sadly it only took effect on those two and after a few hours our power will come back to normal.

Rin was disappointed to find that they used items to forcefully increase their cultivation, so she just left them and went away while putting away the pill that Eliana gave to her, so she could use later as it might help her.

The only reason that Eliana and Sam did this was that they wore bored as hell in this party and decided to make waste some time.

They continued with the party.

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