Cultivation stages

Strength refinement: 10 ranks

increases your strength

Qi refinement: 10 ranks

Develop Qi

Qi partitioner:10 ranks

Qi increases

Qi beginner: 10 ranks

Qi increases by 2 times other stats increase by half

Qi master: 10 Ranks

Qi increases by 3 times other stats increase by 2 times

Qi grandmaster: 10 ranks

Qi increases by 4 times other stats increase by 3 times

Qi expert: 10 ranks

All stats increase by 5 times

Qi fusion: 10 ranks

Qi increases by 6 times and can fuse qi in your organs to increase the defence and power of your body. other stats times 5

Organ refinement: 10 ranks

uses qi to refine the organs x6 to all stats

Organ strengthening: 10 ranks

uses qi to strengthen your organs x6 to all stats

Organ advancement: 10 rank

Your organs advance so it able to attract qi by its own x6 to all stats

Qi Evolution: 10 ranks

Your qi evolves x6 to all stats

Core condensation: 10 ranks

your qi can be condensed to a core after it's evolved x6 to all stats

Core strengthening: 10 ranks

Your core starts to get denser in qi and makes more space to store more qi x6 to all stats

Core creation: 10 ranks

you're able to create lower grade cores x10 to all stats

Core multiplication: ?

you can multiply the lower cores. x10 to all stats

Core talent: ?

depending on your talent you will get can make your core became as strong as the first one. x12 to all stats

Human Master: 10 ranks

No human under this stage can defeat you x10 to all stats

Human Grandmaster: 10 ranks

can create your own clan x10 to all stats

Human Expert: 10 Ranks

you can create your own sect x10 to all stats

Human King:

you can create your own kingdom x10 to all stats

Human evolution: 10 ranks

you break the human limit x20 to all stats

Bloodline awakening:

you awaken your bloodline x10 to all stats

Hidden stage: Bloodline creation

you create your own bloodline the higher you go in ranks in this stage the purer your qi becomes, x10 to all stats

Physiques awakening:

you awaken your physique, all stats x10

Physique Creation: 10 Ranks= (hidden stage)

You will create your own physique, x10 to all stats

Martial Practitioner: 10 ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Intermediate: 10 Ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Advance: 10 ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Human: 10 ranks

20 times to all stats

Martial Master: 10 Ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Grandmaster: 10 ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Expert: 10 ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial King: 10 ranks

x20 to all stats

Martial Emperor: 10 Ranks

x40 to all stats

Martial Lord: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats.

Sovereign: 10 Ranks

x20 to all stats

Monarch: 10 Ranks

x20 to all stats

Overlord: 10 Ranks

x40 to all stats

Saint Beginner: 10 Ran

x40 to all stats

Advanced Saint: 10 Ranks

x40 to all stats

Saint Expert: 10 ranks

x40 to all stats

Grand Saint: 10 Ranks

x40 to all stats

Grandmaster Saint: 10 ranks

x40 to all stats

Martial Saint: 10 ranks

x40 to all stats

Saint emperor: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

Despot: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

Saint Despot: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

Martial Despot: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

Despot King: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

Despot Emperor: 10 ranks

x100 to all stats

other stages will be added later